jlong187 (OP)

Activity: 255
Merit: 10
September 16, 2013, 05:26:16 AM Last edit: December 31, 2013, 03:36:18 AM by jlong187 |
Lucky7Coin (LK7)
It is a PoW/PoS coin with a completely new algorithm to compute superblocks. Lucky7Coin is in the family of PPCoin/Novacoin with latest available algorithms that fixed various problems in the recent PoW/PoS coins. As compared to the PoW only coins, the proof of stake coins are more resilient to 51% attack. Also it is a long term energy-efficient cryptocurrency.
Lucky7Coin provides superblocks based on the number of lucky "7"s in the previous block hash. The block payout is determined as follows: - the hash contains six 7s or less: 77 coins per block - the hash contains seven or eight 7s: 777 coins per block - the hash contains nine or more 7s: 7777 coins per block
The 777-coins block occurs approximately 3-8% and 7777-coins block occurs approximately 0.5-2%, depends on the blockchain "luck". So have fun and hope for best of the luck of 7s!
Lucky7Coin also provides 5% annual interest on the coins held. The interest is paid about every 2 weeks.
No Premine. Specifications - 60 seconds block target - scrypt - 77 coins per block for normal blocks - 777 or 7777 coins per block for super blocks depends on the number of lucky 7s - Difficulty retargets every block - mining payout will be halved every half year (259200 blocks) - mining coins per block will not be lower than 1 coin per block - Expected total mined coins will be 99,792,000 coins - 7 confirmations for transaction - 77 confirmations for minted blocks - Total coins (hard limit): 500 millions - Ports: connection 17777 RPC 17778 To encourage accumulating initial stake, for the first 3 days all the payout will be tripled. The official website is: http://lucky7coin.co.nf News and Updates
October 29, 2013: LK7 is listed in cryptsy! September 16, 2013: network hashrate over 100Mh/s. September 16, 2013: 1st Mining Pool created by Bigal. September 15, 2013: Lucky7Coin is launched!
Using the following nodes to join the network:
addnode= addnode= addnode=
Sample Config File (lucky7coin.conf):
listen=1 daemon=1 server=1 rpcuser=**Yourusername** rpcpassword=**Yourpassword** rpcport=17778 rpcconnect= addnode= addnode= addnode=
How to Solo Mine
1. Start up lucky7coin-qt, wait for it to load, then exit. 2. Put lucky7coin.conf (see sample file above) in your c:/users/**yourcomputername**/AppData/Roaming/Lucky7Coin 3. restart lucky7coin-qt, and you should connect and sync. 4. For solo mining, launch cgminer or the mining program you use and begin mining. cgminer ex: cgminer.exe --scrypt -o localhost:17778 -u **yourusername** -p **password** (without **)
jlong187 (OP)

Activity: 255
Merit: 10
September 16, 2013, 05:27:56 AM |
September 16, 2013, 05:29:21 AM |
lucky 7, lol interesting algorithm
jlong187 (OP)

Activity: 255
Merit: 10
September 16, 2013, 05:37:03 AM |
lucky 7, lol interesting algorithm Yes it's a new algorithm 

Activity: 65
Merit: 10
September 16, 2013, 05:46:20 AM |
what the... someone must have big hashpower there, I don't even get rejected blocks with 2Mh/s, sucks
September 16, 2013, 05:48:16 AM |
yes this world is unfair. I'll give up until there's a pool there 
September 16, 2013, 05:50:43 AM |
shit,the total hash > 120M
bye!you can play alone!
chinese coin again !!!!!!!
September 16, 2013, 05:56:04 AM |
yeah, explains why nobody here gets coins, why it's released without any preannounce at some unfavorable time, and why I don't get any connections to the network.  anyone outside china can provide an addnode?
September 16, 2013, 05:58:39 AM |
yeah, explains why nobody here gets coins, why it's released without any preannounce at some unfavorable time, and why I don't get any connections to the network.  good news,the coin is dead! 
jlong187 (OP)

Activity: 255
Merit: 10
September 16, 2013, 06:05:02 AM |
yeah, explains why nobody here gets coins, why it's released without any preannounce at some unfavorable time, and why I don't get any connections to the network.  good news,the coin is dead!  No, everything is working fine: { "blocks" : 372, "currentblocksize" : 1000, "currentblocktx" : 0, "difficulty" : 0.79035915, "errors" : "", "generate" : false, "genproclimit" : -1, "hashespersec" : 0, "networkhashps" : 133425484, "pooledtx" : 0, "testnet" : false }
jlong187 (OP)

Activity: 255
Merit: 10
September 16, 2013, 06:06:17 AM |
and now { "blocks" : 373, "currentblocksize" : 1000, "currentblocktx" : 0, "difficulty" : 0.76487203, "errors" : "", "generate" : false, "genproclimit" : -1, "hashespersec" : 0, "networkhashps" : 128617305, "pooledtx" : 0, "testnet" : false }
60 sec block target
September 16, 2013, 06:22:43 AM |
well can more people post their connections please?

Activity: 65
Merit: 10
September 16, 2013, 06:34:42 AM |
try these addnode?
{ "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1379313134, "lastrecv" : 1379313134, "conntime" : 1379309646, "version" : 60006, "subver" : "/Satoshi:0.7.2/", "inbound" : true, "releasetime" : 0, "startingheight" : 283, "banscore" : 0 }, { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1379313135, "lastrecv" : 1379313135, "conntime" : 1379309750, "version" : 60006, "subver" : "/Satoshi:0.7.2/", "inbound" : true, "releasetime" : 0, "startingheight" : 302, "banscore" : 0 }, { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1379313135, "lastrecv" : 1379313135, "conntime" : 1379309249, "version" : 60006, "subver" : "/Satoshi:0.7.2/", "inbound" : true, "releasetime" : 0, "startingheight" : 276, "banscore" : 0 }, { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1379313135, "lastrecv" : 1379313136, "conntime" : 1379312110, "version" : 60006, "subver" : "/Satoshi:0.7.2/", "inbound" : true, "releasetime" : 0, "startingheight" : 389, "banscore" : 0 }
jlong187 (OP)

Activity: 255
Merit: 10
September 16, 2013, 06:37:10 AM |
try also addnode=
September 16, 2013, 06:54:34 AM |
thanks, 1 connection now:
listen=1 daemon=1 server=1 rpcuser=user rpcpassword=pass rpcport=17778 rpcconnect= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode=
jlong187 (OP)

Activity: 255
Merit: 10
September 16, 2013, 06:56:26 AM |
weird... I saw a few more connected to the network: { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1379314483, "lastrecv" : 1379314483, "conntime" : 1379313799, "version" : 60006, "subver" : "/Satoshi:0.7.2/", "inbound" : true, "releasetime" : 0, "startingheight" : 0, "banscore" : 0 }, { "addr" : "", "services" : "00000001", "lastsend" : 1379314483, "lastrecv" : 1379314483, "conntime" : 1379314447, "version" : 60006, "subver" : "/Satoshi:0.7.2/", "inbound" : true, "releasetime" : 0, "startingheight" : 353, "banscore" : 0 }
September 16, 2013, 07:09:33 AM |
at three connections now. thanks! however like you guys said - with this hashrate thrown at it (probably by the creator from china) it is inherently pointless to mine with a single standard rig from outside china. 
jlong187 (OP)

Activity: 255
Merit: 10
September 16, 2013, 07:18:22 AM |
at three connections now. thanks! however like you guys said - with this hashrate thrown at it (probably by the creator from china) it is inherently pointless to mine with a single standard rig from outside china.  I don't know if the hash power comes from china, but since it was released, clearly some poeple threw in really big hash. I am in the same situation as you guys, I don't get anything now. If I knew this would happen, I'd premine a big amount like 1% or 2% first before releasing it, lol  . Anyway it is what it is, I did not get much from my own coin, which really sucks.
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1022
September 16, 2013, 08:33:37 AM Last edit: September 16, 2013, 09:25:50 AM by muddafudda |
Clone of what coin? Also stake is set for 10 days with 60 second blocks the majority will be stake blocks. Avoid
Full Member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
I love Bitcoin
September 16, 2013, 08:38:04 AM |