Hello everyone,
I was thinking of establishing a 16TH/s farm in January (8x Cointera 2TH/s) machines. However basing
on this thread I am a little confused now and my farm seems like a bad idea... Or I just might understand this whole wrong...
Please correct me if I am wrong:
If the prediction is cca. 12PH rise of network which seem legit. Do I understand it correctly that the difficulty in January will be around 12PH x 140mil = 1680+ mil? Is this actually correct?
Presales Total 2013: 7,704 Thash
Announced Total 2013: 1,803 Thash
Running Total 2014: 7,380 Thash
Combined Total: 16,887 Thash
By January it should be just cca. 12 000...
1 TH/s = 0.14 mil difficulty
1 PH/s = 140 mil difficulty
1 million difficulty = 7 TH/s
1 billion difficulty = 7 PH/s
1 trillion difficulty = 7 EH/s
Do I understant correctly, that difficulty in January 2014 according to
this thread is going to be arround 1800mil?
Please someone with a bit more knowledge tell me if I am correct. That would actually mean thet buying 16TH of power would be worthless
according to this table.
Thanks for your time.
You are misreading, but you do get the right idea. DnT's tally would result in 8-9PH deployed by early January, the rest would follow during the course of 2014. That number is both optimistic and pessimistic at the same time. Its pessimistic because its not taking in to account or not putting numbers on a fair number of potentially serious players (ActiveMining, LabCoin, ..) , which if all promises pan out, would push that tally well over 10PH before the end of the year. Its optimistic because it would pretty much be the first time ever bitcoin asics ship en masse and on schedule, and we are talking about 6+ companies here. ITs not going to happen, its going to be months later before all that is actually deployed. But that isnt good news, because the delayed shipments may well contain your order too and those totals will still ship sooner or later and utterly screw your profitability.
So you did get the right idea; buying asics is gambling with very very poor odds.