OK, sh*t got real....looking over my mining operation, I'm good till say around summer, baring some price downward disaster on scrypt-pow.
But looking at my finances on mining coming in (scrypt-pow profits) vs what I will owe the nice USA tax folks, (50% 40% Tax Bracket and 10% added for my state)
I'm about 20k, behind the 8 ball, after the first month this year (Jan 2018) (be careful wishing to be a mid-sized to big miner..you may surely get it)
Anyway, thus....I either for this month need to set aside (on the assumption of NO real and NOT 'dubious' equipment...thus stuck) 10k for the tax man, or
I need to blow the full 20k on ASIC equipment that is NOT dubious (I know probably should get a GPU rig, but I am dumb...thus put off by GPU rigs, as have run
ASIC's of many flavors since 2013)
So does anyone, have any ideas, of anything of any ASIC flavor that makes any kind of sense? Bitmain is going to have a glut of scrypt-pow (3 months worth of orders
March/April in scrypt-pow miners alone), Baikal is 'flakey' IMHO, and way,way overpriced.....Innsilicon the A5 is way over priced and is very consistant on all their products
in being 2-3 months LATE....dragonmint is iffy...etc etc
As you can see, everyone gets the trend.....or sees what is going on above...ITS A FRIGGING ASIC DESERT, (or at least from a coin to equipment xfer point of view)
So you have to ask the question, is it WORTH THE RISK, in ANY manner....
More worrisome to someone with a tax burden of say 25% plus above 25% equipment deduction compressed....toss a coin 50/50 risk, if you are in that camp, even makes
less sense than my situation/hope.
I have status, I have references, I can review a product or forward such to folk more reputable then myself, I can do escrow or again can refer to folk more reputable than
myself as well... but damn it, there has to be some LEGIT ASIC miner operation, (you'd think) that would be wise to have a demo reviewed or a group buy using legit escrow
thru bitcointalk...at least from the point of getting the word out.....
In 2013, you would throw up a legit youtube video of your ASIC product, invite press to look it over, and you could pay for it with frigging PAYPAL for crying out loud...now we
get 'iffy' ship times/ a hell of a lot of pre-mine the stuff first/ bitcoin or in bitmain's case BCH only/ no group buys/ no escrow...and are told to lump it or leave it...
Anyway, thus my rant above. I'm sure more than a few folk on here with the same concerns...
So anyway, consider this thread a resource to research some ASIC's (in existence or supposed future existence) ...folk find out what you can, hash it out, approach
hopefully, SOME ASIC makers, current or brand new...with safeguards to do demos and/or escrow and/or group buys and/or reviews of your product from a group of
'legit' future customers on here, that can help push/demo/review and promote your 'legit' ASIC product....(This means you Bitmain...if anyone needed good press these
days on a group buy and restoring trust it is you guys..if for no other reason then to improve your crummy customer support...)
If NOTHING of an ASIC unicorn exists anymore that is worth roping and riding, well then I/we probably need to know this now..rather than later
Feel free to post on my above 'delusions' and also be aware I just opened up this thread to 'scammers are us' they are all gonna show up.....so IF such an ASIC mnfg
of a legit nature, does exisit.....prepare to be met with certain criteria and goals of proof of your 'hopeful' legitness...it will not be easy, but I think the folk following this
thread, if you have a good product, would be an excellent 'large mob' of ASIC cheerleaders......indeed!
Ok, let the rout begin...rumors/hope/find/where/how/what/what price/escrow/reviews/demos/...let the map the ASIC wilderness project begin!