Bitcointalk has been using Cloudfare for a long time as solution to contsant DDoS attack they've received.
Is it possible for you to use another browser, maybe chrome or Firefox for Mobile?
Opera and its data saving has been known to break websites, besides Chrome has its own data saving and it does that without breaking any compability with Cloudfare.
Normally this works, there is no problem with opera having data saving on and cloudflare. But from time to time this endless loop happens (and not only for bitcointalk).
I wasn't aware about the problem with data saving until today because last time the problem occurred it was for a site that I don't use anymore anyway, so I ignored the issue.
Today it happened again, so I looked into it more closely. But, as I said, this is the first time it happened since I joined bitcointalk. And I'm using still the same phone and browser.
Maybe something has changed (on site or in the way cloudflare works) or maybe it is just a glitch. I'm happy that I was able to fix it (sort of).
I like opera because I still can use it to chat on facebook without having to install that damn Messenger that Zuckerberg is trying to force down our throats.