Ultima MMP demoWebsiteWhitepaper

Monday March 12th 2018 approximately 12:00 GMT
Saturday March 17th 23:59 GMT
Coin Maturity: 50
Port: 8420
RPC Port: 8421addnode=
Block time
30 seconds
Block rewards
Blocks 1 - 20160: 0.2 ULT
Blocks 20161 - 60480 : 2 ULT
Blocks 60481 - 100800: 2.5 ULT
Blocks from 100801: 3 ULT
Masternode collateral
1000 ULT
Rewards distribution
Until block 40320: 70% Masternodes / 30% Proof of Work
Until block 60480: 75% Masternodes / 25% Proof of Work
Until block 80640: 80% Masternodes / 20% Proof of Work
Until block 100800: 85% Masternodes / 15% Proof of Work
All following blocks: 90% Masternodes / 10% Proof of Work
Change in rewards distribution every 20160 Blocks = Every week until Masternode reward share reaches 90%
Developers will hold 3 Masternodes from the chain start



First Ultima Charity fundraising!
Today we want to share with you more details about Ultima's Charity fundraising system, as well as launch a voting on a pilot fundraising program.
Target fundraising system will consist of two pillars.
First, in the initial stage of operation of Skills Trade Platform, 100% of fees for using the Platform will be directed to Ultima Charity Fund.
ULT gathered in the fund will be exchanged to cryptocurrency accepted by the recipient (most likely BTC).
Second, Ultima community will contribute donations to a dedicated BTC address. Ultima Team declares transparent contribution to each fundraising.
Combined funds raised via 2 pillars will be donated to a verified address of the organization chosen by the community.
As we are still working on the development of a comprehensive voting and fundraising system on Ultima MMP, first Charity donation will be funded only by the second pillar (fundraising by Community and Team).
MasterNodes voting
Owners of MasterNodes will decide on which non-profit organization will receive the donation. Before the automated voting system is running we will use a temporary solution.
Each of your MasterNodes has ONE VOTE. You can vote with your MasterNodes by sending ANY amount of ULT to the ULT address next to the organization you want to vote on.
Remember to activate ‘coins control’ in wallet options and choose your MN address in the inputs field.
On 23.04.2018, after one week of voting, we will count the NUMBER of payments from MasterNodes to each organization (not the amounts!).
Each MasterNode can only vote once (send one payment to one of 9 ULT addresses). If you have more than one MasterNode, you can vote multiple times - one vote per MN.
After the voting, we will start raising funds on a dedicated BTC address. An organisation with the largest number of votes will receive 100% of raised BTC amount.
Please find the list of organizations you can vote on this week below.
The Water Project is unlocking human potential by providing sustainable water projects to communities in sub-Saharan Africa who suffer needlessly from a lack of access to clean water and proper sanitation. Access to water unlocks potential. It removes obstacles that hinder a community from growing itself out of poverty.
To vote on The Water Project send any ULT amount from your MN address to
UWdaFDNX8CZjnEGoor6Ar8sA9nVASTRxYVA Special Wish Chicago is the wish-granting foundation in the Chicagoland area dedicated to enlivening families with hope and joy by granting the wishes of local children and young adults – from birth through age 20 – who have been diagnosed with life-threatening conditions. The Chicago chapter is wholeheartedly committed to creating special memories through connecting children with the loving hearts and donations of individuals and corporate sponsors in the Chicagoland community.
To vote on ChicagoWish send any ULT amount from your MN address to
UQnKtqm78NHmVsdvo8xYvzB6s4PZVJzJdAWatsi is a global crowdfunding platform for healthcare that enables anyone to donate as little as $5 to directly fund life-changing medical care for people in need. 100% of every donation funds medical care and we are dedicated to full transparency.
To vote on Watsi send any ULT amount from your MN address to
UQmiQ5sSQNp9NsQ6CAgS4pyLhafDNVa2UdAntiwar.com is the top source for antiwar news and analysis in all the U.S. Empire. Since 1995 Antiwar.com has been the go-to site for news of the War Party’s latest schemes and machinations. We’ve exposed their lies time and again mobilizing our readers worldwide to stand up for peace.
To vote on AntiWar send any ULT amount from your MN address to
UawYDSDmcZgLAVpWKWMuQEVABzoKxDwAXCSave the Children invests in childhood – every day – in times of crisis and for our future. In the United States and around the world – we give children a healthy start – the opportunity to learn and protection from harm.
To vote on Save The Children send any ULT amount from your MN address to
UgTYDq5CzL5aL17vzj3w8CpEX7EQYHJcNJTunapanda Institute does digital era vocational skill training in low-income parts of East Africa. The organization focuses on skills like web design computer programming and video editing that can help people earn an income improve their communities and engage in meaningful self-expression. They deploy computer networks using open source software and free (libre) educational video content.
To vote on TunaPanda send any ULT amount from your MN address to
UgWEwUjVcLBMdso8XSr4H2MExr1YCwJm3vThe Internet Archive acts as a digital library archiving websites and provides free access to the public.
To vote on Internet Archive send any ULT amount from your MN address to
UmH4PyixZkU6oBw17ux2byUupU2NJChCZoRun 2 Rescue is a Christian non-profit organization committed to restoring victims of sex trafficking.
To vote on Run 2 Rescue send any ULT amount from your MN address to
UZLVKN2gsAtsshGVDnGBXMEppSxQWrVnTtOmni Nano is a public benefit organization devoted to nanotechnology education. Our curriculum is designed for high school and college students and focuses on the practical applications of nanotechnology to promote professional development and STEM career opportunities.
To vote on Omni Nano send any ULT amount from your MN address to
UVPKgQbu1ZJonw2QxjYzTjvp1NmiPCYJX9Start a new Ultima MaterNode to support causes you find important!

Signature BountyRules are simple.
To participate in the campaign you need to change your signature to one of provided below. Choose a signature depending on your Bitcointalk rank and keep it on for at least one week without any gaps. After each completed week, you will receive a payment according to the below schedule:Rewards (per week):Member:
8 ULTFull Member:
15 ULTSenior Member and above:
25 ULTAfter setup of your signature please submit a post in this thread. Do not send private messages or inform us via any different channels.
You can join the campaign until
Friday, April 20th.
Payments will be sent in bulks for those who completed at least one full week on the below dates:
Payment round 1:
Friday, April 27th Payment round 2:
Friday, May 3rdAfter round 2 campaign will be over.
Please note, that only if you join the campaign on the first day (April 13th), you can receive 3 rewards!
Please find appropriate signature for all ranks listed below:Members[table][tr][td][center][b][url=http://ultima.qa/][font=Verdana]ULTIMA[/font][/url][/b] [b][url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3094235.0]Bitcointalk[/url] Ⓤ [url=https://discordapp.com/invite/3A7JfsB]Discord[/url] Ⓤ [url=https://twitter.com/ultima_mmp]Twitter[/url] Ⓤ [url=http://ultima.qa/Whitepaper.pdf]Whitepaper[/url][/b]
[b][url=http://mmp.ultima.qa/]☰ Ultima Skills Trade Platform demo is available under this link! ☰[/url][/center][/td][/tr][/table]
Full Members[table][tr][td][center][b][url=http://ultima.qa/][color=#00cc00][font=Verdana]ULTIMA[/font][/color][/url][/b] [b][url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3094235.0][color=#ffa31a]Bitcointalk[/color][/url][color=#808080] Ⓤ [/color][url=https://discordapp.com/invite/3A7JfsB][color=#99b3ff]Discord[/color][/url][color=#808080] Ⓤ [/color][url=https://twitter.com/ultima_mmp][color=#3366ff]Twitter[/color][/url][color=#808080] Ⓤ [/color][url=http://ultima.qa/Whitepaper.pdf][color=#003300]Whitepaper[/color][/url][/b]
[b][url=http://mmp.ultima.qa/][color=#800000]☰ Ultima Skills Trade Platform demo is available under this link! ☰[/color][/url][/center][/td][/tr][/table]
Senior Members and above[center][table][tr][td][size=14pt][b][url=http://ultima.qa/][color=#00cc00] [font=Verdana]ULTIMA[/font][/color][/url][/b][/size] [size=10pt][b][url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3094235.0][color=#ffa31a]Bitcointalk[/color][/url] [size=8pt][color=#808080] Ⓤ [/color][/size][url=https://discordapp.com/invite/3A7JfsB][color=#99b3ff]Discord[/color][/url][size=8pt][color=#808080] Ⓤ [/color][/size][url=https://twitter.com/ultima_mmp][color=#3366ff]Twitter[/color][/url][size=8pt][color=#808080] Ⓤ [/color][/size][url=http://ultima.qa/Whitepaper.pdf][color=#003300]Whitepaper[/color][/url][/b][/size]
[b][size=8pt][url=http://mmp.ultima.qa/][color=#800000]☰ Ultima Skills Trade Platform demo is available under this link! ☰[/color][/url][/size][/td][/tr][/table][/center]
Please remember that in order to receive signature bounty reward, your account has to be active on this forum. There is not a minimum requirement of posts to meet, but we will verify accounts one by one and check it's activity. In case we find the account inactive, it will be excluded from the payment list.
Twitter BountyAfter a launch of Ultima MMP demo we're announcing Twitter bounty campaign!
1. Follow Ultima on Twitter
2. Retweet this
3. Put your ULT wallet address in the comment under original tweet. You will receive 1 to 5 ULT depending on the number of your followers. (minimum 30 followers)Discord invites BountyTo participate in this campaign, join us on Discord and follow the below rules!
1. Create your own invitation link and set it to never expire
2. Invite as many people as you can
3. Check your current position on #invite-bounty channel
4. Bounty ends on 20.04.2018, rewards will be distributed on the same day
Top 10 inviters will get rewards:
1 - 100 ULT
2 - 60 ULT
3 - 40 ULT
4 - 30 ULT
5 - 20 ULT
6 - 15 ULT
7 - 12 ULT
8 - 10 ULT
9 - 8 ULT
10 - 6 ULT
Translation BountyIf you want to participate in development of the Ultima project and become part of Ultima community, here comes your chance.
What you have to do?1. Contact us by private message here or on discord server to get the json file, which needs to be translated.
2. Prepare proper translation of the the json file that you received - make sure you're the first one to prepare one in a chosen language .
3. Send the file to us for verification.
4. After the Ultima's chain start send a private message containing:
link to your translation and
your wallet's addressWhat's the reward?We offer
6 ULT for each translation.