DISCIPLINA is a new blockchain from core developers of Cardano
It's a multifunctional blockchain for HR & Educational projects.
It provides the transparency of work and creates conditions of maintaining confidentiality and reliability of information added by system participants
General Terms and Conditions:Timeline bounty program:
11/3/18 - 15/7/18Please, join into TG
bounty chat for to get quick access to important information and quick communication with the bounty manager.
• Bounty pool - 2%
of the token issue. 34 000 ETH (±680 ETH) -
if we have a hardcup. , Token rate = 0.0005 ETH
• Participants receive stakes for participating in each part of the campaign.
• Every participant must join the DISCIPLINA by TeachMePlease group on Telegram -
LINK• Filling the form for any campaign - mandatory
• For all issues related to the bounty campaign, write @nastyamoroz - tg (Advertising and partnership offers too)
You can get an additional reward!
Avatar + Disciplina.io in nickname in the Telegram - 1 stake per week 
Avatar - link
Form for getting a reward - linkAll participants must have a KYC.
It’s necessary to get the reward.
All information - account.disciplina.ioDistribution of bounty tokens:

Signature Reward:
• Full members: 7 stakes per week
• Senior members: 8 stakes per week
• Hero members: 9 stakes per week
• Legendary members: 10 stakes per week
• The last day for joining the bounty program - 27 May.
• A minimum of 10 constructive posts per week
• If you produce less than 10 posts by 23:59 UTC on a Sunday, you do not receive the stakes for the current week.
• Posts in the discussion sections (offtopic) do not count (Off-topic, Archival, Games, Microprocessing, Politics and Society, Archives, Messages in "tipster", Auctions, Lending, Beginners, Bounty and help, News, etc.,)
• Posts with fewer than 10 words do not count
• Every user must set a personal text "
★ DISCIPLINA ★ Educational Blockchain" and a DISCIPLINA avatar -
linkSign up form:
Form TableSignatures:
[center]●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [url=https://disciplina.io/][u]DISCIPLINA[/u] — The First Blockchain For HR & Education[/url] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●
[url=https://disciplina.io]From core developers of Cardano, Unique Architecture, Proof-of-Stake, Minting, Data Privacy. Be the first, [u]join us[/u]![/url]
●▬▬▬ [url=https://DISCIPLINA.io/][u]WEBSITE[/url] | [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2325715][u]ANN[/url] | [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3101698.msg32024811#msg32024811][u]BOUNTY[/url] | [url=https://disciplina.io/WhitePaper_eng.pdf][u]WHITEPAPER[/u][/url] | [url=https://t.me/tchmpls][u]TELEGRAM[/url] | [url=https://www.linkedin.com/company/disciplina-blockchain/][u]LINKEDIN[/url] | [url=https://disciplina.io/referral.html][u]5% per REFERRAL[/url] ▬▬▬●[/center]
Full Members:
[center][font=Arial][b][color=#039]DI[color=#049]SC[color=#059]IP[color=#06A]LI[color=#07A]NA [color=#08A]— T[color=#09B]he [color=#0AB]Fi[color=#0BB]rs[color=#0cb]t B[color=#0dc]lo[color=#0ec]ck[color=#0dc]ch[color=#0cd]ai[color=#0bb]n F[color=#0ab]or[color=#09b] HR[color=#08a] &[color=#07a] E[color=#06A]du[color=#059]ca[color=#049]ti[color=#039]on[/color][/b]
[color=#049]From core developers of Cardano, PoS minting, unique Web Of Trust & Privacy algorithms. Be the first, [/color][url=https://disciplina.io][color=#049][u]join us![/u][/url]
[url=https://disciplina.io][color=#529][u][b]WE[color=#439]BS[color=#449]IT[color=#349]E[/b][/u][/url] [url=https://t.me/tchmpls][color=#249][u][b]T[color=#059]EL[color=#06a]EG[color=#07a]RA[color=#08a]M[/b][/u][/url] [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2325715][color=#09b][u][b]A[color=#0ab]NN[/b][/u][/url] [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3101698.msg32024811#msg32024811][color=#0bb][u][b]BO[color=#0cb]UN[color=#0dc]TY[/b][/u][/url] [url=https://www.linkedin.com/company/disciplina-blockchain][color=#0cd][u][b]LI[color=#0bb]NK[color=#0ab]ED[color=#09b]IN[/b][/u][/url] [url=https://disciplina.io/WhitePaper_eng.pdf][b][u][color=#08a]WH[color=#07a]IT[color=#06a]EP[color=#059]AP[color=#249]ER[/u][/url] [url=https://disciplina.io/referral.html][color=#349][u][b]Re[color=#449]fe[color=#439]rr[color=#529]al [color=#439]Pr[color=#449]og[color=#349]ra[color=#059]m [color=#007595]– [color=#09b]5%[/b][/u][/url] [/center]
Sr. Members & Hero/Legendary:
██████████████████▄▄ ▀▀██▄
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▄███▄ ▀██▄ ██▄
▐█ ██████████▄ ▀██▄ ▀█▄
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▐█ ██████████▀ ▄██▀ ▄█▀
▀███▀ ▄██▀ ██▀
▄▄███▀ ▄██
███████████████▀▀ ▄▄██▀
███ [/td]
[center][url=https://disciplina.io/][font=Arial][size=16px][color=#0075a0] [b]Brand-new Blockchain
[b][size=14px][color=#259]for HR & Education[/td][td][size=1px]
[center][font=Arial][b][size=12px] | [url=https://disciplina.io/][color=#06a]WE[color=#07a]BS[color=#08a]IT[color=#09b]E[/url] | [url=https://t.me/tchmpls][color=#0bb]TE[color=#0cb]LE[color=#0dc]GR[color=#0ec]AM[/url] | [url=https://www.linkedin.com/company/disciplina-blockchain][color=#0cb]L[color=#0bb]IN[color=#0ab]KE[color=#09b]DI[color=#08a]N [/color][/url]| [url=https://disciplina.io/yellowpaper.pdf][color=#06a]YE[color=#059]LL[color=#049]OW [color=#249]P[color=#449]AP[color=#439]ER [/color][/url]|
[size=12px]| [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2325715.0][color=#449]AN[color=#249]N[/url] | [url=https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2324510][color=#06a]BO[color=#07a]UN[color=#08a]TY[/color][/url] | [url=https://disciplina.io/referral.html][color=#0ab]R[color=#0bb]ef[color=#0cb]er[color=#0dc]ra[color=#0ec]l [color=#0dc]pr[color=#0cb]og[color=#0bb]ra[color=#0ab]m [color=#09b]5%[/color][/url] | [url=https://disciplina.io/WhitePaper_eng.pdf][color=#07a]W[color=#06a]HI[color=#059]TE[color=#049]PA[color=#039]PE[color=#239]R [/color][/url]|[/td][td]
███ [/td][/tr][/table][/center]
Blog & Articles & video campaign Reward for articles:
• 1 stake per comment
• 10 stakes per post greater than 100 words
• 20+ stakes per Normal quality article
• 60 stakes per Good quality article
• 140 stakes per Exceptional quality article
• The last day for joining the bounty program - 16 May
FORM IS CLODES• Low quality, badly written articles may be rejected.
• Articles must be your original work.
• You are not permitted to copy other people's work and this will lead to disqualification. You can freely use all official materials posted at website and Telegram.
• The article should be 500+ characters long. Shorter articles will not be considered.
• Description of your article must include the active links to a website, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram
• Please include your bitcointalk username in the article so we can recognize you as the author
Reward for video:
• 30+ stakes per Normal quality video
• 70-100 stakes per Good quality video
• 120-200 stakes per Exceptional quality video
Sorry, we already have enought articles about our project. if u can make a really good article/video or other - in first, please ask bounty manager
• Low quality, badly maked video may be rejected.
• Video must be your original work.
• You are not permitted to copy other people's work and this will lead to disqualification. You can freely use all official materials posted at website and Telegram.
• A video should be 30 second long. A shorter video will not be considered.
• Description of your video must include the active links to a website, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram
• Please include your bitcointalk username in the video so we can recognize you as the author
* The same content can be re-used by the participant in several reputable websites, blogs or video hosting sites (for example a popular personal blog, Youtube, medium.com)
* We can help with material about the project upon request (for interviews, for example)
We reserve the right to reject materials, which we consider inappropriate for our project, as well as award extra stakes to participants with a large subscription pool and/or high-quality content
Sign up form:
Form Table
Facebook & Twitter & Instagram campaign Limits:
Your Facebook account must have at least 500 real Followers/Friends (at least 75% must be real)
Your Twitter account must have at least 1000 real Followers (at least 75% must be real)
Your Instagram account must have at least 1000 real Followers (at least 75% must be real)
• 500 – 3000 followers – 1 stake a week
• 3000 - 5000 followers – 2 stakes a week
• 5000 and more followers – 3 stake a week
• The last day for joining the bounty program - 27 May
• Sign up to the Facebook/Twitter/Instagram DISCIPLINA campaign by filling t the form below
• Follow and like the DISCIPLINA Facebook/Twitter/Instagram page (
• In one week you must like and repost at least: 5 posts and 2 reposts on Facebook. Twitter - 2 posts and 5 retweets necessary; Instagram - 2 posts)
• You must make at least 5 posts on Facebook/2 post on Twitter and two posts on Instagram about the DISCIPLINA blockchain using the hashtag #dscp #eth #ico #bounty
• Description of your video must include the active links to a website, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram
• Only one post a day will be counted
Please list all the links to your posts and reposts on this thread by 23:59 UTC on Sunday, or you might not receive the stakes for the past week.
Please list all of your activity for the week in one post.
You can submit reports on all social networks in one report.
Registration for each social network separately.
One week = one post with all of the relevant links, as below:
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter link: [url of your account]
Friends: [number of your friends/followers]
Week: [number of the week]
[links to your posts about DISCIPLINA with numbers]
[links to yours reposts of the DISCIPLINA official account posts with numbers]
Sign up form:
Form Table
Translations campaign Reward:
• ANN thread = 1 stake
• Whitepaper = 30 stakes
• Onepager = 5 stakes
• "Participant's Dashboard" = 10 stakes
• Website (landing) = 10 stakes
• The translation must be of high quality – computer-aided translations will not be accepted under any circumstances
• Only verified linguists can take part in this campaign. Please fill in the form below to reserve a place. Approved translators have a green color in the table.
• In the event of acceptance, a translation will be reserved for you for a fixed term:
- 2 day for the ANN thread
- 5 days for the Whitepaper
- 2 day for the Onepager
- 2 days for the "Participant's Dashboard"
- 3 days for the Website
• Materials and originals for translation will be provided in pm
• The following languages have been translated into and
will not be participating in the campaign: English, Russian, Korean, Japanese, ChineseSign up form:
Form Table