For the record:

The OP of the bountyhive thread, ColorlessK, logs on daily to post new ICO scams but ignores any & all questions from
suckers participants of his scams. This is
exactly what nixoid done for Ambisafe organized scam ICO's & is probably the same person - Andrey Zamovsky (aka nixoid, ColorlessK, FintechEU, etc, etc)
Bountyhive is an exact clone of Ambisafe by the same group of scammers - you have been warned.

The OP of the bountyhive thread, ColorlessK, logs on daily to post new ICO scams but ignores any & all questions from
suckers participants of his scams. This is
exactly what nixoid done for Ambisafe organized scam ICO's & is probably the same person - Andrey Zamovsky (aka nixoid, ColorlessK, FintechEU, etc, etc)
Bountyhive is an exact clone of Ambisafe by the same group of scammers - you have been warned.

The OP of the bountyhive thread, ColorlessK, logs on daily to post new ICO scams but ignores any & all questions from
suckers participants of his scams. This is
exactly what nixoid done for Ambisafe organized scam ICO's & is probably the same person - Andrey Zamovsky (aka nixoid, ColorlessK, FintechEU, etc, etc)
Bountyhive is an exact clone of Ambisafe by the same group of scammers - you have been warned.
DO NOT INVEST IN ANY ICO RUN BY BLOCKHIVE/AMBISAFE - IT'S A SCAM - BEWARE!!!!So let's get a few things straight.
1. This is beyond childish. You posted a negative review, which literally anyone can do without it being true whatsoever.
2. You then screenshotted your own review and use it as an argument, I don't even want to start on this.
3. I have absolutely no connection to Ambisafe whatsoever.
4. To date my team has distributed over $15.000.000 in Bounties, what have you done?
5. I have paid participants from
my own pocket countless times when ICOs refused to do so. You got it mate. I'm paying people myself because I'm a scam. Too bad there's no clap emoticon on btctalk.
6. I had run Worldcore Bounty more than 3 months ago and did it so at the request of the team. Everyone was paid. And besides, they only worked with Ambisafe for a short amount of time, until they fired them to work with us(just in case you don't see the flaw in your logic here)
Now, leaving all of those things aside, you tried to pull this thing again a few months ago when you gave me a review from one of your other accounts "IconFirm" - to which I responded and it is why that account is now red-trusted.
So then you went and created a new account and gave
over 200 bad reviews to random people for bogus reasons.
Now you come and accuse me with over 36+ green trust of another bogus invented thing. You are ludicrous mate. Also, since we're making photos anyway.
First, the red trust ratings you have on this account:

Second, the red trust ratings you have on the old account:

Now, besides the fact that you
literally positive trusted your own accounts and it is so obvious that even a toddler could realize it.
Let's look at my trust ratings. Let's completely drop the fact that I have a
+36 green trust rating and you have -2 red rating on most accountsIn all my history I have received
3 bad reviews. 2 of them are from your accounts(Iconfirm and this) and the third one is from a newbie with literally 0 posts on the forum, received more than 6 months ago.
However, there's quite some people who offered a positive feedback. With risked money and references. From trusted users of the forum. Several times.As seen here:

Bonus Comparison:
Also, a reference thread, just so everyone can see that you were busted by one of the most trusted legendary members around, several times: really should find something better to do. It is just a matter of time until all of your 28 alt accounts will get banned anyway.