Exploring the Real World Use Cases of DatareumAuthentic, high quality data has become a powerful tool for different organizations to operate in today’s cut throat environment. The access to good data through ethical means is a widely demanded service, and Datareum a marketplace where individuals, IoT and smart devices owners can monetize on their data by selling to people and organizations that require this data, will make this a reality. The platform can be used in a number of data gathering situations:
Manufacturer Testing Label Designs.
A manufacturer, intending to launch a new brand, could gather feedback on design label through our platform:
● Uploading designs on Datareum.
● Creating a smart contract offer.
● Transferring DTN into the contract.
● Data sellers taking the label survey and earning DTN.
● Manufacturer closing survey and downloading data collected for analysis, making a better decision on which label design to run with the new brand.
Telecom Operator
A telecom organization needs to know about user satisfaction of its own and competitor’s services:
● Smart contract creation with specific geographical areas of users.
● Relevant users can accept, offer, and answer questionnaire.
● Smart contract releases payment to data sellers upon completion of questionnaire.
● Telecom operator acquires authentic and high quality data for analysis, based on age, gender, location, mobile signal strength etc.
● Data can be used to improve existing services for customer retention and new offers and services can be launched to attract more customers.
Food Services
A food delivery startup can use survey to find about eating habits of people, allowing it to design its menu for maximum sales:
● Defining smart contract with how much a data seller will be paid, geographical limit such as a town or city.
● Users accept offer and answer questions based on eating habits such as location, age, gender, type of food they eat, how many times a week they order a take out etc.
● Buyer begins analysis on data to define what menu should it develop.
The use cases for Datareum and the DTN token extend well beyond what is discussed here; the question is, how will it benefit your business, or everyday life?