I think this a great contest and a nice opportunity for us to gain a little extra. What is there to lose? A few minutes of income for someone to change a few parameters in the mining software to let it mine at bitminter? IMO, the prospect of winning the KnC miner outweighs the effort and almost-no-loss of joining the contest. That and, unless I've read it wrong, the fee at bitminter is only 1%, while it's 3% at btcguild.
I vote yes with my 20 votes in R11.
Anyway, I'm pointing my 120GH/s towards bitminter right now
. Might be competing with the groupbuy which I'm a part of :p.
Edit: also, the later we join the contest, the less chance we have of creating a winning block.
yeah but after the 16th diff will be more then 600 mill and our earnings are down a lot from the current 390 mill. so enter late ( Nov 16th ) at a minimum should be pretty much an easy choice to make. enter this week on the 5th is a bit tougher choice.
if I had 4th in my pocket I would run on bitminter starting today and up to the 30th. but we are a group and the down side is 25 days we don't win and our earnings are 2 or 3 btc less.
BTW we would not be sure if the earnings are less or more then if we stay with the current pool we would only be able to estimate with an unknown error margin.
the reason is our shift of 4th from the current pool to bitminter would have an effect on both pools luck and/or variance.
So we would only be able to do a calculation est of what should happen with normal luck and or variance.
I used to gamble a lot all kinds of games of chance and I did a lot of game theory work for fun and /or profit.
It is why I mentioned this contest as the cost to enter is 'free' or very little or you get paid to enter. the win is a knc jupiter .
Lets say we wait til 2 diff adjustments pass late NOV diff is at 700 mill and we have 5th in the coop.
at 700 mill diff 5th earns 3.587 btc so NOV 27 28 29 30 we enter normal luck we earn about 14.3 btc so if those 4 days earn 13.3 btc our bad luck is 1btc down (BTW we would never know for sure that staying in the other pool would have been better or worse since the act of moving the 5th from the original pool changes its luck)
the worst downside of late enter is we don't win the contest and we lose 1 or 2 coins.
the lesser downside of late enter is we don't win the contest and we earn the same amount of coins
the least downside of late enter is we don't win the contest and we earn 1 or 2 coins extra.
upside we win the contest and don't really give a shit about the coins mined since plus or minus 1 or 2 coins against the jupiter are really good.
if you do this on the 16th of NOV with diff at 580 mill you have a bigger chance to win the contest but more earnings could be won or loss with a larger variance we could be plus, even or minus up to 5 coins.
and lastly if we start in a day or two we have the biggest chance to win but the up or down of the coins could be as much as 7 or 8 coins.
for me if I had the 4tb or 5tb why not do all 26 days left. but there are good arguments to wait until the adjustment on the 16th of nov or even wait until the last 2 or 3 days of the contest. Just food for thought.