It's a telling sign when BFL actually wins out over Hashfast which just recently declared bankruptcy and REALLY screwed people that invested in them. lmao
Hashfast was just as douchy, they just didn't douche out on a large scale like BFL did. BFL fucked everyone over. Hashfast fucked over some people.
Yeah ScamFast was probably run worst than BFL....but the amount of damage they have done in total dollar/bitcoin value is 10x that of ScamFast.
HashFast was a pretty quick burn out, so to say... BFL are doing their thing now for at least 2 years!!! They don't appear to go down anytime soon. It's amazing to see how they lure more and more beginners into buying their products. Even their website looks the same as a year ago, people falling for the same promises and cleverly engineered marketing and advertisements!