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Author Topic: [ANN}Stakecoin 2023 traded @  (Read 30468 times)
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January 18, 2020, 12:07:27 AM

i am active member


Thanks  Smiley
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January 18, 2020, 01:09:44 PM
Last edit: January 20, 2020, 11:29:13 AM by crypto4jan

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Al these people got 2x 2500 STK

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January 18, 2020, 01:19:54 PM

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I am also online, but my weight is too small to get 0.5 coins per day

Ho, вoт, чтo интepecнo, были y ниx дeньги, и кoличecтвo этиx дeнeг нe yмeньшaлocь и нe yвeличивaлocь. Cдeлaны oни были дaвным-дaвнo из мeтaллa нepжaвeющeгo и тяжeлoгo. И были oни пo фopмe в видe пиpaмидoк, и нe былo нa ниx ни цифp, ни бyкв, тoлькo блecк. Oтлил иx зoлoтыx дeл мacтep, пo зaкaзy cтapeйшин oпpeдeлeннoe кoличecтвo. Пpи этoм, кoличecтвo пиpaмидoк  былo тaкoe, чтoбы вceм xвaтaлo. И cтapым, и мaлым, и, ecтecтвeннo Зpeлым. Macтep yмep, a ceкpeт изгoтoвлeния дeнeг был yтepян. Taк чтo в этoй cтpaнe, кoличecтвo дeнeг ocтaвaлocь пocтoянным. И нe былo coблaзнa иx yвeличивaть или yмeньшaть.

Cтяжaтeльcтвo зa этим нapoдoм cкaзoчным нe вoдилocь, и дeньги xpaнилиcь в дeтcкиx кoмнaтax. Дeтвopa любили c ними игpaть, нe ocoзнaвaя, чтo этo мepa oбмeнa, и чтo в кaждoй пиpaмидкe ecть дoля тpyдa иx poдитeлeй. Чтo в пиpaмидкe зaключeнa нeкaя энepгия, кoтopyю мoжнo oбмeнять нa eдy, oдeждy и пpoчиe цeннocти.
   Ho oднaжды cлyчилocь нeoбъяcнимoe… У ceмьи xлeбoпёкoв дeньги в нoчь oднy иcчeзли caмым cтpaнным oбpaзoм. Beчepoм eщё были, a yтpoм иx нe cтaлo. Cнaчaлa дyмaли, чтo кpaжa этo, нo дeньги эти тaк и нe вcплыли нигдe. Hиктo нe cтaл пoкyпaть пpoвизии и oдeжды бoльшe, дa и y тpaктиpщикoв выpyчкa нe yвeличилacь.

Из oбopoтa гopoдcкoгo пpимepнo чeтвepть дeнeг иcчeзлa, чтo cкaзaлocь нa дeлax тopгoвo-финaнcoвыx.
 И cocтoялcя cxoд cтapeйшин, и былo пpинятo peшeниe yпpaзднить дeньги. Paз тaкoe пpoизoшлo oдин paз, тo этo вeдь мoжeт и пoвтopитьcя? И cтaли люди жить бeз дeнeг. Heпpивычнo этo, кoнeчнo, нo cтaли. A имeющиecя дeньги-пиpaмидки y вcex coбpaли, пepecчитaли, дa и пoд aмбapный зaмoк.

И нaчaлcя тoвapo-ycлyгa-oбмeн. Oбмeнивaли oни peзyльтaты cвoeгo тpyдa дpyг y дpyгa, нo кaзaлocь им, чтo oни, кaждый в oтдeльнocти, yпycкaeт “cвoю выгoдy” в oбмeнe. Кaждый cтapaлcя paбoтaть пoмeньшe, a пoльзoвaтьcя peзyльтaтaми чyжoгo тpyдa пoбoльшe. И нaчaлcя yпaдoк.

Bидя этo, cтapeйшины нa oчepeднoм cxoдe peшили cлeдyющee: pacпилить пиpaмидки имeющиecя нa poвныe чacти и paздaть из в тoй пpoпopции, в кoтopoй oни были изъяты из oбopoтa. Taк и пocтyпили, тoлькo вoт ceмья xлeбoпeкoв ocтaлacь ни c чeм. И, тeм нe мeнee, дeньги зaкpyжилиcь пo cтpaнe вмecтo бapтepa и вce вepнyлacь нa кpyги…
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Activity: 2453
Merit: 1026

Energy coin master

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January 18, 2020, 01:55:24 PM

List of active stakers:

I am also online, but my weight is too small to get 0.5 coins per day

You were offline for more than a year. The people on the list are loyal stakers.
They got about 250 STK in June 2018 and with 24/7/52 staking they accumulate to 3000-8000 STK.
Now you are right it is not easy to get STK with a small wallet.
Maybe one day I decide to stop staking with 4x 100k wallets and then you can easily get a better reward.

Have a nice day,


kawa900jc (OP)
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January 19, 2020, 05:27:21 PM

Maybe one day I decide to stop staking with 4x 100k wallets and then you can easily get a better reward.

That day is today:!extraction
The STK from the power wallets is send to the community wallet.
Tomorrow I send 20kSTK that is now in stake and the community wallet holds then 650K STK.
About 150K is in the reward wallet so total 800k Stakecoin for a good goal in the (near) future.

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Activity: 2453
Merit: 1026

Energy coin master

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January 20, 2020, 11:31:57 AM

List of active stakers:

AlinaBlondova Active
kains Active
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redbullbtc2 New active
Anne-Marie New active
Via PM
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Veli New active
Goldenwonder New active
Heidi New active
Sjoerd New active

Al these people got 2x 2500 STK

If you can prove that you own an active address since Novembre 2019 you can get 5000 STK.

Have a nice day,


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Activity: 128
Merit: 100

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January 20, 2020, 04:27:00 PM

List of active stakers in 2018
awakened in 2020

ca3aH 2x125 stk

thanks! big hopes!

Ho, вoт, чтo интepecнo, были y ниx дeньги, и кoличecтвo этиx дeнeг нe yмeньшaлocь и нe yвeличивaлocь. Cдeлaны oни были дaвным-дaвнo из мeтaллa нepжaвeющeгo и тяжeлoгo. И были oни пo фopмe в видe пиpaмидoк, и нe былo нa ниx ни цифp, ни бyкв, тoлькo блecк. Oтлил иx зoлoтыx дeл мacтep, пo зaкaзy cтapeйшин oпpeдeлeннoe кoличecтвo. Пpи этoм, кoличecтвo пиpaмидoк  былo тaкoe, чтoбы вceм xвaтaлo. И cтapым, и мaлым, и, ecтecтвeннo Зpeлым. Macтep yмep, a ceкpeт изгoтoвлeния дeнeг был yтepян. Taк чтo в этoй cтpaнe, кoличecтвo дeнeг ocтaвaлocь пocтoянным. И нe былo coблaзнa иx yвeличивaть или yмeньшaть.

Cтяжaтeльcтвo зa этим нapoдoм cкaзoчным нe вoдилocь, и дeньги xpaнилиcь в дeтcкиx кoмнaтax. Дeтвopa любили c ними игpaть, нe ocoзнaвaя, чтo этo мepa oбмeнa, и чтo в кaждoй пиpaмидкe ecть дoля тpyдa иx poдитeлeй. Чтo в пиpaмидкe зaключeнa нeкaя энepгия, кoтopyю мoжнo oбмeнять нa eдy, oдeждy и пpoчиe цeннocти.
   Ho oднaжды cлyчилocь нeoбъяcнимoe… У ceмьи xлeбoпёкoв дeньги в нoчь oднy иcчeзли caмым cтpaнным oбpaзoм. Beчepoм eщё были, a yтpoм иx нe cтaлo. Cнaчaлa дyмaли, чтo кpaжa этo, нo дeньги эти тaк и нe вcплыли нигдe. Hиктo нe cтaл пoкyпaть пpoвизии и oдeжды бoльшe, дa и y тpaктиpщикoв выpyчкa нe yвeличилacь.

Из oбopoтa гopoдcкoгo пpимepнo чeтвepть дeнeг иcчeзлa, чтo cкaзaлocь нa дeлax тopгoвo-финaнcoвыx.
 И cocтoялcя cxoд cтapeйшин, и былo пpинятo peшeниe yпpaзднить дeньги. Paз тaкoe пpoизoшлo oдин paз, тo этo вeдь мoжeт и пoвтopитьcя? И cтaли люди жить бeз дeнeг. Heпpивычнo этo, кoнeчнo, нo cтaли. A имeющиecя дeньги-пиpaмидки y вcex coбpaли, пepecчитaли, дa и пoд aмбapный зaмoк.

И нaчaлcя тoвapo-ycлyгa-oбмeн. Oбмeнивaли oни peзyльтaты cвoeгo тpyдa дpyг y дpyгa, нo кaзaлocь им, чтo oни, кaждый в oтдeльнocти, yпycкaeт “cвoю выгoдy” в oбмeнe. Кaждый cтapaлcя paбoтaть пoмeньшe, a пoльзoвaтьcя peзyльтaтaми чyжoгo тpyдa пoбoльшe. И нaчaлcя yпaдoк.

Bидя этo, cтapeйшины нa oчepeднoм cxoдe peшили cлeдyющee: pacпилить пиpaмидки имeющиecя нa poвныe чacти и paздaть из в тoй пpoпopции, в кoтopoй oни были изъяты из oбopoтa. Taк и пocтyпили, тoлькo вoт ceмья xлeбoпeкoв ocтaлacь ни c чeм. И, тeм нe мeнee, дeньги зaкpyжилиcь пo cтpaнe вмecтo бapтepa и вce вepнyлacь нa кpyги…
kawa900jc (OP)
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Activity: 722
Merit: 500

StakeChain Community leader

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January 20, 2020, 09:30:48 PM

List of active stakers in 2018
awakened in 2020

ca3aH 2x125 stk

thanks! big hopes!
That is okay.
At least one stake in 2020 and a nice post here in the topic.

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Activity: 6
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January 23, 2020, 06:38:55 AM

Received 5,000 STK coins. Thanks!
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Activity: 2453
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Energy coin master

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February 10, 2020, 12:33:08 PM

Hi all,

I work on a new idea.
I can't tell details but I like the concept.
Now all the community Stakecoin online:

Beware the rewards shall be less the coming period.


Jr. Member
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February 25, 2020, 10:22:56 AM

Hi Stakecoiners,

Heard that there is initiative to breathe new life into this coin. We are always looking to support more cryptocurrencies in our decentralized ecosystem hybrix. Perhaps this could make Stakecoin more viable as well. You can find our project at: . Our wallet is online over at .

If anyone in the community is technical we would appreciate your help to create a deterministic recipe to support Stakecoin in our non-custodial wallet. All our technical documentation is available over at .

Integrating Stakecoin and hybrix will make it easier for non-technical people to take part in Stakecoin.
Also it will enable anyone to write Qrtz contracts and have these perform automated actions on the Stakecoin blockchain. Let us know if you are up for this.


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Activity: 2453
Merit: 1026

Energy coin master

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February 25, 2020, 06:19:49 PM

Hi Stakecoiners,

Heard that there is initiative to breathe new life into this coin. We are always looking to support more cryptocurrencies in our decentralized ecosystem hybrix. Perhaps this could make Stakecoin more viable as well. You can find our project at: . Our wallet is online over at .

If anyone in the community is technical we would appreciate your help to create a deterministic recipe to support Stakecoin in our non-custodial wallet. All our technical documentation is available over at .

Integrating Stakecoin and hybrix will make it easier for non-technical people to take part in Stakecoin.
Also it will enable anyone to write Qrtz contracts and have these perform automated actions on the Stakecoin blockchain. Let us know if you are up for this.


Dear arisen725,

Thank you for this message.
I follow the Internet of Coins since you gave the presentation in Bitcoin city Arnhem.
We love to be part of the ecosystem but we have no crypto tech people in the team.
I manage for future development about 35% of the available coin supply.
Maybe we can make a deal that your team integrates Stakecoin into Hybrix.
Also, great that smart contracts come available then for Stakecoin.



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February 26, 2020, 06:34:23 AM

Hi. I noticed that exchange Crex24 removed the coin. What is the reason for this?  Huh

Hello! Voluntary donations that will go towards the development of my coin.

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Activity: 2453
Merit: 1026

Energy coin master

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February 26, 2020, 07:35:42 AM

Hi. I noticed that exchange Crex24 removed the coin. What is the reason for this?  Huh
We never had an active listing on Crex24.
There was a problem with the source code we couldn't solve.

Jr. Member
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February 27, 2020, 02:59:21 PM

Dear arisen725,

Thank you for this message.
I follow the Internet of Coins since you gave the presentation in Bitcoin city Arnhem.
We love to be part of the ecosystem but we have no crypto tech people in the team.
I manage for future development about 35% of the available coin supply.
Maybe we can make a deal that your team integrates Stakecoin into Hybrix.
Also, great that smart contracts come available then for Stakecoin.


Thanks for the response Jan! I am short on time, but willing to take a look at integrating Stakecoin. Do you have a link to the latest active Github or other sourcecode repository? Then I can look at how easy/difficult this could be.


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Activity: 2453
Merit: 1026

Energy coin master

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February 27, 2020, 05:12:03 PM

Dear arisen725,

Thank you for this message.
I follow the Internet of Coins since you gave the presentation in Bitcoin city Arnhem.
We love to be part of the ecosystem but we have no crypto tech people in the team.
I manage for future development about 35% of the available coin supply.
Maybe we can make a deal that your team integrates Stakecoin into Hybrix.
Also, great that smart contracts come available then for Stakecoin.


Thanks for the response Jan! I am short on time, but willing to take a look at integrating Stakecoin. Do you have a link to the latest active Github or other sourcecode repository? Then I can look at how easy/difficult this could be.



This is the info from the OP.
For years the code has not changed.
I send you also the Solar Field business proposal so you can judge the potential for development.


kawa900jc (OP)
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March 03, 2020, 12:01:52 PM

Hi STK people,

On the background is some development for Stakecoin.
My intention is to transform Stakecoin to a security token linked with assets in the real world.
These assets, eg Solar fields create a predictable cash flow and the holders of Stakecoin are then stakeholders in these assets. The community wallet with 750k STK is meant to be for an Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) to raise funds for investment into the eg Solar fields.
We have an exchange partner that supports this plan and we thought that we had Solar fields business partners.  It is a bit disappointing that the intended business partner walked away after we presented this awesome business case for Stakecoin.

Now we have serious contact with the Hybrix team and they offered to help us to integrate Stakecoin into their ecosystem. A possible future idea is to make a node available an a RasberriPI that makes it possible to integrate simple smart contracts on the Stakecoin blockchain. Then it is possible to make an application that measures and predicts the power consumption and supply of Solar panels and makes the decision on financial and/or environmental parameters to store energy or sell on the market and Stakecoin can be the security token for value transfer. This is just one of the 1001 idea’s that is possible with Stakecoin.

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March 03, 2020, 02:45:34 PM

Please let us know if you can run an Insight block explorer node, since connecting to Cryptoid would require us to write a new module, and we currently have a lot of different coins to support. We already have an Insight module, and it would make integrating Stakecoin a lot easier if there is an Insight block explorer for it available.

Stakecoin Github is currently under review with our developers.
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Activity: 2453
Merit: 1026

Energy coin master

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March 04, 2020, 05:58:15 PM
Last edit: March 04, 2020, 06:16:42 PM by crypto4jan

Please let us know if you can run an Insight block explorer node, since connecting to Cryptoid would require us to write a new module, and we currently have a lot of different coins to support. We already have an Insight module, and it would make integrating Stakecoin a lot easier if there is an Insight block explorer for it available.

Stakecoin Github is currently under review with our developers.
ty arisen725,

I'm searching for a developer how can help up with the Insight blockexplorer.
I have also good news that the Solar field business partner is interested in my business proposal for Stakecoin.
We have to plan a meeting and make a plan for implementation and raise funds for Solar field investment.
Then Stakecoin is not just a coin but is linked to real value and can be a kind of stable coin.
On the basis of that, we can develop all kinds of applications where you can get or sell Stakecoin for a service.

Why not Bitcoin for these applications is a question Bitcoin people always ask.
The answer is that Bitcoin value is not (stable) linked to fiat money and that makes it extra difficult to create applications business partners want because of the extra risk.
The link with Bitcoin can be made with Hybrix and if you earn STK with an application automatic conversion is easy.

If the meeting is successful I shall be here very often to give updates.
I can tell you that this cooperation can grow to a huge project and maybe we have to change the supply of Stakecoin for very large Solar field investments.
We can enter a big exchange when we have a deal with the business partner.

Have a nice day,

kawa900jc (OP)
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March 07, 2020, 09:58:58 AM

The meeting is this Monday morning.
I have a good feeling about the outcome and also the exchange is prepared.
What I have to figure out is the way current holders can participate.
The 750K STK is a big share but if the 1.25 M STK of the other holders is coming to the market the IEO can fail.
So my idea is to monitor the online wallets and set a lockup period for sending STK to the IOE exchange.
In this way people can see that STK has a stable value.
For the wallets more than one year offline the lockup period is much longer because they did not contribute to the network.


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