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Author Topic: [ANN}Stakecoin 2023 traded @  (Read 30450 times)
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Activity: 2453
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Energy coin master

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February 13, 2022, 01:08:02 PM

Hi STK people,
I watch the blockchain netwerk each day and I see the number of nodes shrinking.
I know it is disapointing that there is no development and application.
But our best asset is a healthy blockchain network to get people's attention.
Work on collaboration with EnergyCoin but that takes some time.
So keep supporting the network and wait for opportunities to come.
Most nodes are in The Netherlands and then Russian Federation and Belarus.
I see Stakecoin as a friendship connection to our countries so lets keep the network strong!

Have a nice day,
I did a retweet:

kawa900jc (OP)
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February 27, 2022, 10:17:39 AM

Hi STK people,
Only 1 person (a twitter account I control) applied for the 1K reward to build friendship.
Now Russia invaded the Ukraine and that is not cool.
I don't understand the real reason other than lust for power.
Hoop that all the Russian stakers of Stakecoin have a peaceful mind and keep supporting the network.
The offer for 1K reward is still available for everybody supporting the Stakecoin network after retweeting and following the instruction in the tweet.

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Energy coin master

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February 27, 2022, 12:01:16 PM
Last edit: February 27, 2022, 12:23:09 PM by crypto4jan

kawa900jc (OP)
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StakeChain Community leader

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February 28, 2022, 06:12:25 PM
Last edit: March 02, 2022, 03:11:33 PM by kawa900jc

We lost a few connections in the network, now only 11 nodes activ.!network

Now only 2 nodes in Rusia.
Plz support the Stakecoin network as sign of our friendship.
There are about 100 holders of Stakecoin in Russia and I send 1000 STK to each address if you post here and declare friendship.

Have a nice day,


PLZ Retweet:

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Activity: 2453
Merit: 1026

Energy coin master

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March 03, 2022, 05:39:47 PM

Hi STK friends!

There are 3 extra connections in the Stakecoin network today and that makes me happy.

One new country Moldavia en 2 extra in Rusia.
Post here your STK address and I send 1000 STK to your wallet as proof for friendship.

Have a nice day,


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March 23, 2022, 09:26:11 AM

My contribution to friendship Stakecoin  JVTj3vAZY62vahdtNQXhfjRAYBG3SWDyLf
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Activity: 2453
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Energy coin master

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March 23, 2022, 05:53:33 PM

My contribution to friendship Stakecoin  JVTj3vAZY62vahdtNQXhfjRAYBG3SWDyLf
Thank you for your contribution to the network.
I see you are a loyal member of the community and staked already more than 4000 STK.
The friendship reward is intended for new people.

Have a nice day,

kawa900jc (OP)
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Activity: 722
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StakeChain Community leader

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March 24, 2022, 07:24:50 AM

Hi STK friends,

Two nodes with location Mongolia joined our network!

I have no message jet with the STK-addresses.

STK forever!

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April 02, 2022, 10:33:41 PM

Now only 2 nodes in Rusia.
Plz support the Stakecoin network as sign of our friendship

I live in Russia, but was born in Ukraine, friend Stakecoin JgCx5S1TB5fCRLH1az5wz2oUtRdTMRLzNJ

Ho, вoт, чтo интepecнo, были y ниx дeньги, и кoличecтвo этиx дeнeг нe yмeньшaлocь и нe yвeличивaлocь. Cдeлaны oни были дaвным-дaвнo из мeтaллa нepжaвeющeгo и тяжeлoгo. И были oни пo фopмe в видe пиpaмидoк, и нe былo нa ниx ни цифp, ни бyкв, тoлькo блecк. Oтлил иx зoлoтыx дeл мacтep, пo зaкaзy cтapeйшин oпpeдeлeннoe кoличecтвo. Пpи этoм, кoличecтвo пиpaмидoк  былo тaкoe, чтoбы вceм xвaтaлo. И cтapым, и мaлым, и, ecтecтвeннo Зpeлым. Macтep yмep, a ceкpeт изгoтoвлeния дeнeг был yтepян. Taк чтo в этoй cтpaнe, кoличecтвo дeнeг ocтaвaлocь пocтoянным. И нe былo coблaзнa иx yвeличивaть или yмeньшaть.

Cтяжaтeльcтвo зa этим нapoдoм cкaзoчным нe вoдилocь, и дeньги xpaнилиcь в дeтcкиx кoмнaтax. Дeтвopa любили c ними игpaть, нe ocoзнaвaя, чтo этo мepa oбмeнa, и чтo в кaждoй пиpaмидкe ecть дoля тpyдa иx poдитeлeй. Чтo в пиpaмидкe зaключeнa нeкaя энepгия, кoтopyю мoжнo oбмeнять нa eдy, oдeждy и пpoчиe цeннocти.
   Ho oднaжды cлyчилocь нeoбъяcнимoe… У ceмьи xлeбoпёкoв дeньги в нoчь oднy иcчeзли caмым cтpaнным oбpaзoм. Beчepoм eщё были, a yтpoм иx нe cтaлo. Cнaчaлa дyмaли, чтo кpaжa этo, нo дeньги эти тaк и нe вcплыли нигдe. Hиктo нe cтaл пoкyпaть пpoвизии и oдeжды бoльшe, дa и y тpaктиpщикoв выpyчкa нe yвeличилacь.

Из oбopoтa гopoдcкoгo пpимepнo чeтвepть дeнeг иcчeзлa, чтo cкaзaлocь нa дeлax тopгoвo-финaнcoвыx.
 И cocтoялcя cxoд cтapeйшин, и былo пpинятo peшeниe yпpaзднить дeньги. Paз тaкoe пpoизoшлo oдин paз, тo этo вeдь мoжeт и пoвтopитьcя? И cтaли люди жить бeз дeнeг. Heпpивычнo этo, кoнeчнo, нo cтaли. A имeющиecя дeньги-пиpaмидки y вcex coбpaли, пepecчитaли, дa и пoд aмбapный зaмoк.

И нaчaлcя тoвapo-ycлyгa-oбмeн. Oбмeнивaли oни peзyльтaты cвoeгo тpyдa дpyг y дpyгa, нo кaзaлocь им, чтo oни, кaждый в oтдeльнocти, yпycкaeт “cвoю выгoдy” в oбмeнe. Кaждый cтapaлcя paбoтaть пoмeньшe, a пoльзoвaтьcя peзyльтaтaми чyжoгo тpyдa пoбoльшe. И нaчaлcя yпaдoк.

Bидя этo, cтapeйшины нa oчepeднoм cxoдe peшили cлeдyющee: pacпилить пиpaмидки имeющиecя нa poвныe чacти и paздaть из в тoй пpoпopции, в кoтopoй oни были изъяты из oбopoтa. Taк и пocтyпили, тoлькo вoт ceмья xлeбoпeкoв ocтaлacь ни c чeм. И, тeм нe мeнee, дeньги зaкpyжилиcь пo cтpaнe вмecтo бapтepa и вce вepнyлacь нa кpyги…
Sr. Member
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Activity: 728
Merit: 251

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April 03, 2022, 04:21:51 AM

Hello, this is my Stakecoin address.  Smiley

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Activity: 2453
Merit: 1026

Energy coin master

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April 03, 2022, 09:52:40 AM

Now only 2 nodes in Rusia.
Plz support the Stakecoin network as sign of our friendship

I live in Russia, but was born in Ukraine, friend Stakecoin JgCx5S1TB5fCRLH1az5wz2oUtRdTMRLzNJ

Thank you for being a friend of Stakecoin.
I know you are already supporting the network for a long time.
The reward is intended for new friends so unfortunately, I can't send STK.

Have a nice day,

kawa900jc (OP)
Hero Member
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Activity: 722
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StakeChain Community leader

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April 03, 2022, 09:56:03 AM

Hello, this is my Stakecoin address.  Smiley


Hi Tara11 you are approved for the new friend reward of 1000 STK.
Hope you enjoy staking and contribute to the security of the Stakecoin blockchain.
Now businesscase for Stakecoin a the moment but that can change when more friends are coming on board of the Stakecoin community.

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Activity: 728
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April 06, 2022, 03:30:10 PM

Hello, this is my Stakecoin address.  Smiley


Hi Tara11 you are approved for the new friend reward of 1000 STK.
Hope you enjoy staking and contribute to the security of the Stakecoin blockchain.
Now businesscase for Stakecoin a the moment but that can change when more friends are coming on board of the Stakecoin community.

Thank you so much. I have received the coins.  I will stake it when my wallet finishes downloading blocks.
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Activity: 2453
Merit: 1026

Energy coin master

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April 13, 2022, 12:53:30 PM

Still no stake @ your wallet

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April 14, 2022, 04:25:20 AM

I'm nearly finished downloading blocks.  Smiley
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Activity: 2453
Merit: 1026

Energy coin master

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April 15, 2022, 10:55:00 AM

I paid 12 months of blockchain explorer.!crypto

Have a nice day,


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Activity: 2453
Merit: 1026

Energy coin master

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April 29, 2022, 07:08:35 AM

The first stake

I had to lock 1.2M of staking power but now Tara is part of the community.

Have a nice day,

Sr. Member
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Activity: 728
Merit: 251

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April 30, 2022, 04:40:07 AM

The first stake

I had to lock 1.2M of staking power but now Tara is part of the community.

Have a nice day,

Thanks. I will continue staking.  Smiley
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Activity: 2453
Merit: 1026

Energy coin master

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May 28, 2022, 08:59:10 PM
Last edit: May 29, 2022, 06:28:57 AM by crypto4jan

This is the First_ENRG_Bank

Stakecoin on EnergyParty.
Create a wallet on
Remove the popup with popup blocker plugin.
PM me with ENRG address and you get 100 virtual Stakecoin that you can transfer to real Stakecoin in the future.
10K avaleble

Have a nice day,

Offline Offline

Activity: 2453
Merit: 1026

Energy coin master

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June 05, 2022, 06:13:32 PM

Ha STK people,
It is sad  Sad to see that there are now only 7 active nodes in the network.
Only one from Russia and one from Germany en 5 from Holland.
Just now I'm working one collaboration with EnergyCoin Foundation and exchange on
This coin is still about friendship and I hope you come back soon.

Have a nice day,


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