so what is the real benefit for publisher/webmaster?
Good question! First let's address the problem.
50% of ever ad dollar goes to the supply chain. That means that if BMW spends $1.00 to advertise on WSJ, then WSJ only collects $0.50. That is absurd. In addition, WSJ has to wait 30-120 days (1-4 months) to be paid for showing that impression. Last, WSJ has no idea how many companies transact to deliver that ad. Many times it's 20-30 companies that sit in between BMW and WSJ (that's where 50% of the spend goes.)
Ternio brings transparency to this process, enabling WSJ to understand how many intermediaries sit between their site and BMW. With this knowledge, WSJ can compress the supply chain to recapture the majority of the $1.00 BMW spends. In addition, Ternio enables WSJ to be paid in real time. No more waiting months to collect.
1) Collect a much higher percentage of ad dollars
2) Collect at the time of impression delivery - enabling better cash flow to run their business.