April 12, 2018, 11:41:29 PM |
To: Prospective Employers/Projects/etc From: Spitfireabc - UK based BA Honours Degree in Business Re: Work
I've been into PC's from the start, building, gaming, and with my business degree a solid all-round understanding of economics and business. worked as various manager positions inc. 10 years govnt. civil service (disabled benefits) work. Ran 30 PC suite and Library at local school.
Last 4 months devoted 3-4 hours daily to learning blockchain, BTC, and also a bit of Linux, Parrotsec (White hat only) Pentesting, via Nmap, etc, etc.
I just want to prove my good work ethics, and get an 'in' as a moderator or similar, considering my skillset, and excellent rapid learning ability.
Then I can refer to turning (logging) up 5 mins early and beiing an intelligent, FRIENDLY (I think this is important when working with people) teamplayer.
So to gain either a job, straight continuing from the back of the volunteering (free) week of work, or, my beginnings of an online CV, reputation. Trust IS businesss, as is reputation.
Please message me, if you have any opportunties. I always remember those who help me.
Best Regards, Spitfire.