Hello All. I've heard about a few charities that accept bitcoin to help fund their good work, kudos to them! This thread is for everyone who want's to donate to a specific charity, that doesn't accept bitcoin. (Yet.
) Basically if you want to help a charity out, then post here, or PM me. As long as the charity accepts Paypal (which I have a significant amount of my capital flowing through) Then I will accept Bitcoin, then make a donation to whatever charity you wish, and then send you screenshot proof of having made the donation.
This thread will also serve to highlight the good in bitcoin. If you want, you can add your name to the list below so people can see how many bitcoin has been donated via this thread. You of course can remain anonymous if you wish.
I hope this thread can grow, and many charities around the world can be helped with Bitcoin, even if they do not accept it directly.
Total amount donated: 0.05 BTCDonors:
Donor Name - Charity - BTCMootinator - Movember Foundation - 0.05