First of all, thank you for publishing your faucet script.
Second, I notice two things that I modified in my faucet and I think that you should too.
The first is hidding the Admin security code:
templates/admin.php @ line 9:
<input type='password' name='seccode'>
Second one is a spelling error:
index.php @ line 94:
$app->view()->setData('wallet', "<a href='https://blockchain.info'>Powered by Blockchain.info</a>");
EDITYou could add a variable to Google Analytics so anyone could use it on the faucet:
templates/footer.php @ line 15
<?php echo $googleAnalytics; ?>
config.php @ End of File or whatever you want
// Google Analytics
// Place your Google Analytics code between the " ".
$googleAnalytics = " ";
Kind regards