Ok I know have 3 IPs to choose from.
My router IP
Computer IP
and my main IP address found at whatmyip.com or whatever.
I have gone into my router settings again and set port: 8333, TCP and the ip address of my computer and saved this rule. So from my understanding, the site should connect to myroutersip:8333 > then it will route to my computers IP and find bitcoin qt?
Just a guess, but I think the site should be connecting to your routers external IP address. The router should allow port 8333 through its firewall and forward that traffic to your computer, which should also have port 8333 open on its firewall.
You need to set Allowip flag in your conf, cause if you don't then it defaults to So this is probably the issue.
I have added the 3 IPs I have available as listed above on individual lines too.