Someone's clearly panic selling today. I hope you all are snapping up the bargains!
i missed the train.
now i learned not to transfer funds to my bank account on the weekend.
You probably didn't miss anything, it will probably be under 8,70 dollars within a week if not faster.
Huh? I just picked some up for less than that (unless the exchange unwinds their books.) I'm holding out for $5-ish and it seems like a distinct possibility (but I'm still giving less than a 50% chance.)
I suspect that a lot of the liquidity originated in Poland or I figure that the criminals needed to divvy things up amongst various operatives who have accounts on the exchanges. I hoped that some of them may be none-to-shrewd and would blow the price down to much at times. I wanted to capitalize if so...and kept some powder dry for this purpose.
Did I do the right thing and there will be a rally when this all blows over? Or will BTC prove to have to much of a sting and everyone bails? Or??? Time will tell.