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Author Topic: Behaviour on the Speculation board: women not welcome?  (Read 8180 times)
nanobrain (OP)
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November 21, 2013, 12:05:34 AM
Last edit: November 23, 2013, 01:11:17 AM by nanobrain


Are there actually any other women here?

Everyday I wake up and check the posts on the Wall Thread and all that's gone before are (given the time zone) US men measuring their cocks and posturing.  Really guys a Freudian would have field day with some of you. I appreciate speculating is a male dominated area but you have to be so Neanderthal.

I've been reading these forums since almost the beginning and fought the urge to join because internet forums tend to be frat houses in general but at least now I can press ignore on the massive flacid egos like Walsoraj, Crumbs, Pannakke (do you even mine?) or TERA.

Since I've joined I've tried to be helpful and polite, offer some insight where possible (gosh can a noob know anything or be anything other than a spotty adolescent), tried to join in the back slapping, I've sent hopefully helpful PMs to people who have asked for information but most users don't reply and only a small percentage are actually polite - its as if your join date equals your social class.  

Yet, you want the rest of the world to adopt BTC - well, I've got some news people love being treated like women especially...we find it such a winning business strategy. That comes in heavy irony tags for those of you a bit slow on emotional intelligence.

The only positive from the last 8 hours of the above thread is seeing Chodpaba again....hurrah for a polite, sensible and considered voice - I wish you'd restart your Peak/Reversal Watch thread.

The rest of you - try respecting each other and especially newcomers - the world is watching you/us now, you/we are ambassadors for Bitcoin, try and behave like adults.  And perhaps a few less "I'd fap her" and soft-porn images would stop the general tone that you are basically a bunch of bitter, middle-aged, sexually frustrated, misogynistic geeks.

Just a thought Kiss


PS.....and no I'm not a dyke, or not getting any etc etc...happilly married for 14 years.

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November 21, 2013, 12:08:19 AM

if the world is looking at to see whether bitcoin is worth the risk...

...bitcoin is doomed.
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November 21, 2013, 12:13:06 AM

Get back in the kitchen.

Look inside yourself, and you will see that you are the bubble.
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November 21, 2013, 12:15:53 AM

Yes most of this board is the noise of arguing for some reason; but so much of every forum is dominated by such things.

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November 21, 2013, 12:18:04 AM

Get back in the kitchen.
Shut the fuck up, I hate my fellow man every single time one says/writes bullshit like. Nanobrain comes on with very reasonable female perspective and you shit all over it for a laugh.  Angry

Nanobrain, while I'm a guy, I can understand your frustration out of empathy. I also understand why many woman simply don't let it be known they are woman online because endless harassment or bullshit like you find annoying. Humanity has a long way left to go.
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November 21, 2013, 12:18:15 AM

if the world is looking at to see whether bitcoin is worth the risk...

...bitcoin is doomed.

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November 21, 2013, 12:21:02 AM

Get back in the kitchen.

Seriously? Fuck off.
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November 21, 2013, 12:21:16 AM

Get back in the kitchen.
Shut the fuck up, I hate my fellow man every single time one says/writes bullshit like. Nanobrain comes on with very reasonable female perspective and you shit all over it for a laugh.  Angry
You too madame.

Look inside yourself, and you will see that you are the bubble.
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diamond-handed zealot

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November 21, 2013, 12:23:29 AM

tits or GTF....

just kidding

This is not some pseudoeconomic post-modern Libertarian cult, it's an un-led, crowd-sourced mega startup organized around mutual self-interest where problems, whether of the theoretical or purely practical variety, are treated as temporary and, ultimately, solvable.
Censorship of e-gold was easy. Censorship of Bitcoin will be… entertaining.
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November 21, 2013, 12:25:15 AM

Get back in the kitchen.
Shut the fuck up, I hate my fellow man every single time one says/writes bullshit like. Nanobrain comes on with very reasonable female perspective and you shit all over it for a laugh.  Angry
You too madame.
The world will be a marginally better place once you are gone.
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November 21, 2013, 12:31:31 AM

Hehe. Well you sort of have a point. Consider the early adopter crowd, though; it was incredibly difficult for bitcoin to reach beyond the realm of the tech savvy young male, who spends a disproportionate amount of time on the web, and had become accustom to comminicating with memes, and/or trolling the forums. Some of the names you mentioned are people trying to be a d-bag. They are playing a role.

In addition to this, there are another class of commentators in this subforum, the manipulators. You'll see them every day, posting an extremely bearish or bullish view on bitcoin, spreading their own propaganda in an attempt to influence price, or investor emotions. They will also pretend to be really concerned about some flaw that they've identified with bitcoin, and/or, project that it will be worth millions at any moment, based on some example or extrapolation of price movements that they've construed onto bitcoin.

There are also puppets. The alt accounts of the members of the 2 previous categories. They simply log in with another name in order to agree (or sometimes disagree) with themselves, or gang up on those with an opposing view.

Then realize that the incentive to really share your personal views and strategies in this forum is a negative one. In a free market, if everyone agrees on what is going on, or what should happen, or everyone knows what one large entity is going to do, they can use that to their advantage. Bitcoin is a financial instrument after all. This also limits open and honest discussion, to some degree. The speculation forum has a lot of speculators in it.

Once you can categorize people quickly and on the fly, and with liberal use of the ignore button, this place isn't that bad. It just takes some digging.
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November 21, 2013, 12:31:35 AM

Get back in the kitchen.
Shut the fuck up, I hate my fellow man every single time one says/writes bullshit like. Nanobrain comes on with very reasonable female perspective and you shit all over it for a laugh.  Angry
You too madame.
The world will be a marginally better place once you are gone.
Hey, I'm not the one wishing death on people.

Look inside yourself, and you will see that you are the bubble.
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November 21, 2013, 12:41:47 AM

cant say i appreciate this being moved to OT.  its like kick em while they are down.  and the wall observer has been getting rude lately I don't appreciate nsfw images showing up when I try to learn the latest bitcoin news.  this criticism is valid.  mods do your job.
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November 21, 2013, 01:43:28 AM

if the world is looking at to see whether bitcoin is worth the risk...

...bitcoin is doomed.


lol I feel honored.
nanobrain (OP)
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November 21, 2013, 02:36:31 AM

cant say i appreciate this being moved to OT.  its like kick em while they are down.  and the wall observer has been getting rude lately I don't appreciate nsfw images showing up when I try to learn the latest bitcoin news.  this criticism is valid.  mods do your job.

Yeah, it's pretty disappointing isn't it.
I'm going to message Blitz.

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November 21, 2013, 02:39:41 AM

I'm going to message Blitz.

good luck with that

This is not some pseudoeconomic post-modern Libertarian cult, it's an un-led, crowd-sourced mega startup organized around mutual self-interest where problems, whether of the theoretical or purely practical variety, are treated as temporary and, ultimately, solvable.
Censorship of e-gold was easy. Censorship of Bitcoin will be… entertaining.
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November 21, 2013, 03:00:56 AM

The rest of you - try respecting each other and especially newcomers - the world is watching you/us now, you/we are ambassadors for Bitcoin, 

Hi Nan, i enjoyed your post, it was insightful, comical (where meant to be), and honest. I've sent a few unanswered PM's too, I was thinking maybe i'm quarantined to the newbie sandbox. I'll PM you to see if it works.

nanobrain (OP)
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November 21, 2013, 04:19:00 AM

all i got to say is hahaha at this thread

also OP just use ignore, just about everyone you named, is on my ignore

A shame its just "hahahaha" especially since you appear to be a reasonable man, I enjoy your insights and appear to be in my area of the world - lets face it women can get a raw deal in SE Asia but often work harder and have to put up with far more shit than the men ...but I know you recently treated your partner to a new house, so you are at least doing something Wink

I do use the ignore button but I guess the point of my "rant" was to highlight more the fact that as BTC profile rises this forum, like all things in life it is going to have to adapt or die  - people showing each other some basic respect would seem like a good place to start.

And thank you all for the kind PMs I've been receiving...very cool (as the young folk may have once said) Wink

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November 21, 2013, 07:53:44 AM

The rest of you - try respecting each other and especially newcomers - the world is watching you/us now, you/we are ambassadors for Bitcoin, 
Oh yeah, about this bit. I have been here for a few weeks now and have never not felt welcome. Not sure what kind of problem I am supposed to be having with the regs, someone enlighten me so I can feel properly mad about it?

And re: reading this board to find out if bitcoin is worth investing in: that's what I did, and now I'm holding some of them and so is my old man. Maybe I was wrong all along though, it would perhaps have been better to look at the tone of people posting instead of analyzing the numbers?

Look inside yourself, and you will see that you are the bubble.
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November 21, 2013, 08:09:07 AM
Last edit: November 21, 2013, 08:21:25 AM by beetcoin

*slips on fedora* ... well, hello m'lady.

oh, and by the way, men can be alpha male assholes, but women can equally be bitches. if this site were a female dominated forum, i'm sure there'd be quite a few catty bad apples.
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