I think this is a super cool and interesting idea with a lot of potential.
We would make this a popular trend.
When visiting yourwebsite.com it would redirect to yourwebsite.com/bitcoinaddress
People would realize that they could type any bitcoin address there or anythings they wanted.
If typed something that was not a bitcoin address, an error page would say:
"Excuse us, we are afraid this is not a bitcoin address. Please try with a real bitcoin address and we will tip you."
If typed with a real bitcoin address it you would say: "We have just tip-ed you some bitcoins because it is the first time your ip address visits this page in the last hour or so".
Do you get the idea? How cool is it?! IC...
A kind of faucet. Every hour or so the money received will be tip-ed in the next hour to users that request it with unique ip visits.