forager is currently mining
blah blah blah ..
but when LOLminer starts, it is running on device 0, e.g. GPU0 is submitting all the shares, which is my 1080ti
if I change the LOLminer .json from "--devices #Devices#", to "--devices 1",
how is that going to screw me over later??
it's going to screw you on every other miner.
You need to set it in the config.ini file..
GpuGroups = [{"GroupName": "RX570", "GroupType": "AMD",
"Devices": "1", "PowerLimits": "100"}, {"GroupName": "1080s", "GroupType": "NVIDIA
", "Devices": "0", "PowerLimits": "100,90,80"}]
you're welcome.