It was not a bitcoin ban at all...
It's actually an endorsement, as they simply banned "financial institutions" from trading bitcoins. A month or so ago they made an exception to their law that bitcoin would become legal. In fact, all virtual currencies are automatically illegal in China, the simple fact they made an exception is enormous.
I've also read about someone explaining how China was protecting its economy from a still fragile, volatile and "dangerous" technology. There is nothing preventing China to withdraw this new law once btc is more stable and more mainstream. It looks like a kind of protectionism to me...
Also Greenspan...a non-factor.
My short answer:
Price wise: bitcoin going nowhere but UP UP UP on the long term, I've been saying the same thing for a year and a half now. There will be bumps in the road but really I don't think it's BS to say it's headed to the moon
How could we let go such a beautiful technology. Adoption is still increasing quite rapidly throughout the world. Just hold and profit