Hello, folks !
.... just saying "hi". I am new here.... and since yesterday I am running a test environment with GUIMiner on a Dell Laptop (3 GHZ/Double Core Intel, 2.2 GB memories + ATI Radeon HD 4500 graphic card) with 16,000 DSL. The Wallet I setup with MultiBit.
I have installed two "workers" via BitCoin.CZ ( Slush's pool ) to run some tests first... as there is rumouring lots of hipe news on the web. Yesterday the speed was terrrible slow only 2-300khashs/s... today it runs on 2x 1.5 Mhashs/s, with a single "worker's job" its between 2.9-3.2 Mhashs/s.
I just wanna ask: Is that too slow to mine any Bitcoin
Its little bit scaring to see 12,000 dollar expensive mining riggs out there in the market delivered these days by Swedish startup KnCMiner. My laptop runs now since 4 hours and with both worker's jobs the result of shares is: 3 (2) + 4 (2). What doe s that mean ?? - HOpe that is not just wasting energy and creating a bad carbon footprint misusing electric power for nothin good (??).
Maybe someone can give me another tip about my IT infrastructure. At all I have 3 computers within a small computer network (Windows Vista, Windows XP and Linux)... Does it make sense to run all three parallel
? Or should I forget the idea to mine any Bitcoins within the next weeks ?
Tks in advance. Wish you a relaxing 3rd Advent.