First time trying win10 for mining, so after downloading some insane amouny of GBs (updates) now it doesn't install them. It gets stuck at preparing to install (in settings - Updates) in various percentages for hours like at 33%, 78% etc. and finally it somehow completed and then said error retry, something like that. So how do I do this ? I can't even update my gpu drivers from device manager and if I try to install drivers from cd it says the current OS is not supported.
70 percent of the people using the windows platform to mine the alts getting more issue better you can swap to Linux platform to error free mining. I hope you may use awesome miner. If yes, you would not get the hashing properly.
When get the update issue I have swapped to perfect mine OS to start mining. There are people really looking to get error free mining to get the hassle free mining when they are travel and etc. For them this would be the perfect choice.