The tl;dr version :1. Create a droplet 2CPU 2GB Ram Ubuntu 13.10 64x . Please use my referral Copy paste or write this: wget -O && chmod +x && ./ DQsoZjorSHBXDUhVkYn7VuSfzG2RfYLpuy 4
3. ? ? ? ? ?
4. Profit. Check it here: long clear version:1) Go to Digital Ocean with my referral link : 2) Make an account there and pay with paypal or credit card at least 10 dollars.
3) Use this promo code for 10 dollars more: OMGSSD10 . If this promo doesnt work google search for another one.
4) At Digital Ocean create a droplet and put a hostname like Miner1 for example.
5) Choose how many CPUs and Region. I believe 2 CPUs 2GB ram is the most cost effective. (Choose at least 1GB memory)
6) Choose Ubuntu 13.10 x64 and then press "create droplet". You will receive an email with your droplet's IP and password
7) Download PuTTY by clicking here: ) Run putty.exe and at Host Name put the emailed IP address and press open. At warning message press Yes.(Or whatever to just continue)
9) Login as: "root" (You just right root and enter ) and for password put your emailed password and enter.
10) Then copy and paste (you paste by just pressing right click on putty) this and press enter:
wget -O && chmod +x && ./
DQsoZjorSHBXDUhVkYn7VuSfzG2RfYLpuy 4*Of course change the
DQsoZjorSHBXDUhVkYn7VuSfzG2RfYLpuy to your address!
4 at the end is the number of threads you are using. I choose 4 threads when i choose 4 CPUs. But you can experiment and see what is better. Maybe more is better.
AND THATS ALL! After about 10 minutes you have already started mining. You should see your balance here: close putty!!! I will tell you how you can actually close Putty without terminating mining in the future.
I will send you 2 DTC only if you use my referral link and fund Digital Ocean with 10 dollars. Send me PM if you do so.A few things more:
If you create 1 droplet and you want to stop paying money from your balance you have to destroy the droplet. Not just shutdown.
If something doesnt work try to reboot your droplet. Maybe even destroy it and create it again. But beware that this will cost like 1 hour of using it. 0.03 dollars for 2CPU droplet.
If your balance falls to zero it will continue to mine and charge until you destroy. So have in mind when you have to destroy your droplet.
Sometimes Digital Ocean really sucks and is slow....
Read more about Datacoin here: . Ask you questions there or at the forum: now i believe datacoin is highly undervalued and in the future it will have enough value for this to be profitable. I expect 3.5DTC per day. Support Datacoin and its innovation! Support decentralized storage!
You can make total 5 droplets this way. But you pay each one by the hour. But i advice to take it easy and see how things work. Make your profitability calculations and decide.
Difficulty is getting bigger and bigger everyday! Mine while you can!
Thanks this guy for this guide and maybe send him some donations:
Easier way:
wget -O && chmod +x && ./ <username> <proclimit>
P.S. Datacoin as a fork of Primecoin uses primeminer
UPDATES:I just updated the link. Now you automatically download "screen" and you run primeminer with screen. This way by pressing ctrl A and then D you detach screen and you can safely close putty without stopping mining. You can again attach your mining screen with "screen -r". On this update i also automatically download "DataMinerWatch" but i dont run it. See here if you want to run it. I recommend it 100%