well the magic of copper & keeping the water temp and ecosystem as close to the ocean allows for the least amount of various types of parasites and bacteria so the fish arent sick which costs us more money having to feed and care for the fish for extended periods of time.
well octopuses are easy to get & all ask around for cuttlefishes seeing what i can get.
Yeah, I had seahorses, and keeping the temp at their natural level was key, else they are incredibly suseptible to diseases and live much shorter life spans. You don't treat any fish with copper do you? Tis incredibly deadly for any sealife. Even trace contamination such as handling old pennies and then feeding your fish can mess them up pretty badly. The reason goldfish don't tend to live long, is they are sometimes treated with copper to make them shinier, which burns up their kills, and they slowly suffocate. I had a pirhanna when I was a wee lad, and I fed it goldfish, which ended up killing the pirhanna because of the copper treatment.
(Unless magic of copper is completely unrelated to copper and just a name for something else)
Anyway, my large tank could probably use a wrasse, and I need to stock a nano reef tank as well. I'll talk to you once I figure out what I'm looking for.