I read today that RBI, don't want to regulate Virtual Currencies. What is their problem? If they are not going to regulate it why stirring it up? Not to mention, the Indian government is corrupt as hell anyway. All my Indian friends told me.
They are not going to regulate it. They are going to ban it. That is the problem. The nutcase RBI director was saying something like: Bitcoins are being used for money laundering... so we should arrest everyone who is having BTCs with them. This is the attitude.
If these Fuckers actually want to fight with Bitcoin and Bitcoin holders then they will never know anything. Either india will be the worlds only country without internet or they will be unsuccess. But if they want to actually track bitcoin then they must regulate one law for bitcoin and all VC so they can track. If they will not bring one rule then how they are going to track the transaction?
Recent unconfirmed news (Few Indians are now Active in Bangladesh and Bhutan even asking to buy in US, EU for buying Bitcoin) so who the hell could track?
If there was ligal option in India noone buy or sell from other country so Indian Authority could Track.