IRQ, Can you post your command startup string?
Also can you confirm version of bfgminer & OS used , and output from configure to show the driver is enabled?
bfgminer 3.9.0 configuration options summary
CFLAGS...............: -pthread -g -O2 -I/usr/include/libusb-1.0 -pthread -Ilibblkmaker -I/usr/include/hidapi
LDFLAGS..............: -pthread -Llibblkmaker/.libs -Wl,-rpath,\$$ORIGIN/libblkmaker/.libs,-zorigin -lpthread -ldl -lcurl -ljansson -lncurses -ltinfo -lm -ludev -lusb-1.0 -lrt -lblkmaker_jansson-0.1 -lblkmaker-0.1
Installation.prefix..: /usr/local
Enabled..Drivers.....: avalon bifury bigpic bitforce bitfury_gpio cairnsmore erupter hashbuster hashbusterusb icarus klondike littlefury modminer nanofury twinfury x6500 ztex
Disabled.Drivers.....: bfsb cpu knc metabank opencl proxy
To enable proxy, install libmicrohttpd 0.9.5+ (getwork) or libevent 2.0.3+ (stratum)
Enabled..Algorithms..: SHA256d
Disabled.Algorithms..: scrypt
Enabled..Options.....: libusb ncurses5
pi@raspberrypi ~/bfgminer $ uname -a
Linux raspberrypi 3.10.24+ #614 PREEMPT Thu Dec 19 20:38:42 GMT 2013 armv6l GNU/Linux
For startup I have tried using the --set-device as below and with just -S all, neither worked.
./bfgminer -o stratum+tcp:// -O user:pass -S all --set-device NFY:osc6_bits=52
Thanks again for the help.