It seem to be a personal crusade of FrictionlessCoin against nxt
Have you ever been in a code review? The criticism I am providing is actually quite tame.
My assessment, throw this garbage out and start again correctly.
This is a typical kind of response from a good software developer who sees crap code. Fair enough, but I must point out (again) that we are not investing in source code, we are investing in the algorithms, the big ideas (BCNext) and the huge community supporting NXT.
Source code clean up is a minor issue and will come as the project develops. Some great developers have joined the NXT team (e.g. Jean-Luc) and are improving the software engineering practices as we speak.
I think the point about cleaning up, refactoring the code has been made and taken. I think it was kind of obvious and expected by all, especially given how rapidly the software has been developed.
The truth is, sometimes big amazing ideas start out with a small bit of crappy code. And, I think, is where NXT is.
However, let us get back to the point. This is a code review for security issues, so let's try to focus on those.
So, perhaps FrictionlessCoin has found some non-superficial security issue he would like to share? Or are we going to keep beating this issue to death?