Few of the best encouraging comments you will see in following pages.
Thanks for your love and respect . OK, I see the point about completing the technical roadmap before a more general widespread promotion/listing of the coin.
Is this proceeding smoothly/to plan, do you think?
Better than I expected, can't speak for others though. The project is barely 2 months old, and the devs have already showcased / beta tested a fully functional daemon in Golang. That's more than some other projects I'm involved with have accomplished in 6 months.
Yep, I agree. The steady progress and calm demeanor of our fearless CaptDero is why I switched some GPU hashpower back over to this coin even though the difficulty is horrendous and the present-day income/day is terrible.
Gotta love this developer, so active in communicating, great english, seems like a nice guy, and is creating a great project here.
I do have one issue though, I really want to be able to use a GUI wallet, and I'm wondering whats the progress on that?
Totally agree with this. Progress is quite fast for such a development task. I've come to fully understand the potential here after some responses from CptDero and I'm very much sold on this team/project.
Congratulation! The most hardworking dev I've ever seen in crypto world. This is why Dero is far more the leader of Crypto Night family. Hold Dero for years and you guys will see great rewards.
+1 for Capt. DERO.
This a very impressive project and it runs at lightspeed!
Developers from the community will soon volunteer to upgrade the website if DERO keeps getting so much attention.
Hah, I was just going to post that I have been shifting hashpower over to DERO the last couple of days and taking it away from ****, specifically, and for similar reasons: DERO is making excellent progress while **** seems to be stuck in the mud.
This a very impressive project and it runs at lightspeed!
So true. Here we are just over 2 months into the project, and already we have a test release of a daemon, wallet, and explorer completely rewritten in Go. There are projects with far more developers that have achieved a lot less in way more time *cough* **** *cough*.
5 years in crypto and this is the first project that truly excites me as something more than a short term money maker. We're lucky and privileged to be part of it IMHO.
Last 3-4 cryptonight coins i mined wasnt success . Will wait for some days to start mining .
Well it´s not at all a coin, more a platform, probably the only with focus in privacy
Funny thing is, all cryptonight coins I mined were success so far in terms of return. This one's definitely the secret weapon, the first cryptonight coin I actually want to use myself.

there are actually a few coins coming out focusing on privacy now, but I have a feeling Dero will crush them. The team is highly dedicated and the community is awesome so far!!
The idea isn't to build something that is fancier than it needs to be. But the idea is to innovate and keep pesky asics off the network in a way that shows everyone the dero team's technical ability. If making a new algo for each block is unreasonable/crazy then the team doesn't need to spend months banging their head up against the wall trying something they cant make happen. But if we can differentiate dero, before smart contracts are launched, from other cryptonote coins that says a lot about the Captains ability to make new tech. He has already proved he has insane ability. Re-writing a protocol in a new language from scratch is not easy. But if he can make a new protocol before smart contracts, at that point I would need to sell the farm to go all-in.
anyone who thinks this isn't that big of a feat, go back to the monero hydra we forked from originally and try to understand the code. Dependencies on dependencies on dependencies, you have to understand blockchain, cryptography, bitwise operators, cryptonote public/private key schemes which are very complex. This guy re-wrote everything in a short amount of time, he can make computers do crazy things. He can also make a blockchain however he damn pleases
Replaced Other Projects names as ****.