indeed it seems they have, which is very sad really as ive used them before, they were legit, then they shut the site for a time as they said they got "overwhelmed" it seems they just thought why not re-open for the festive period to rake in some BTCs from those buying for xmas when they never intended to actually process the orders. it really is total scumbag behavior, sure i was buying gfx cards for mining but im sure some people ordered gifts for people and the like.
i also noticed that the google + page for all4btc has not been updated since 12th december yet their parent co bitcoinsberlin run by the same people posted on theirs as recently as this morning so they are active just totally ignoring contact on the all4btc side. ive emailed bitpay in the hope that they will suspend their account so no one else gets done over at least, although im not sure theyll do it on the strength of just me complaining
Ah, I guess this is one downfall or BTC with it being irreversible. Shame.