Now For The Democratic Response...
From this point on, anyone attacking me personally will be put on ignore until an apology is received along with a promise to stop that kind of behavior.
Except that "attacking me personally" seems to mean virtually any kind of criticism about bicoin2cash's character or even his/her approach. As opposed to some kind of completely inappropriate invective.
Anyone that doesn't want to do that, isn't worth talking to anyways.
Yes my mom told me that too. She lied. Good things come in bad wrappers. Some people who swear and insult you will have some absolutely excellent things to say.
Welcome to planet earth where naivete is not rewarded.
We all have different opinions. That's fine. We can discuss it politely or we can insult each other.
It's worth while highlighting some of the things said by bitcoin2cash in the thread that precipitated this little whinefest of his.
little bitch" - misogynistic and insulting
little douche" - also misogynistic and insulting - wasn't there a thread about "How do we get more women involved."?
piece of shit troll"
What will help penetrate that thick skull of yours"
You can see the whole thing here: while some people have certainly responded in kind (and even instigated). Some are in the dog-house for using words like "small minded" and "violent" (oh and "jerky" but I already apologized for that one).
This kind of reminds me. In the informal fallacies there's something called "Ad hominem" which means in Latin "To the man". The idea being that an attack on a person is not an attack on an argument. So even if we found out that bitcoin2cash really did eat babies or something more realistic like
he's a terrible hypocrite when it comes to telling people to mind their language it doesn't mean that his arguments are false.
But the principle has nothing to do with bitcoin2cash's nonsense. Heck many famous debates and philosophers traded insults. Socrates was (rightly or wrong) noted for having insulted more people than any crime could have ever brought him. Even the Bible has insults in it - like what Paul advises people who think people need to be ritually circumcised should do.
“It is not he who reviles or strikes you who insults you, but your opinion that these things are insulting." - Epictetus.