Hey guys,
I'm my elite team of amazing researchers from many amazing ivy league schools having been working on a top secret coin for a whole long time!
It's called LIGHTS, and it's the superest 7th Gen Currency!
Sadly, I'm in dire need of investors in order to continue to develop the coin. I don't want anybody to miss out on this once in a lifetime offer to become super rich so I'm actually heading up the pre-pre-IPO! That's right, you'll have a great chance to get in on the floor UNDER THE GROUND FLOOR. In order to do this, I've set up an amazing bitcoin wallet address to receive funds! Sweet! Why should you trust a random stranger on the internet? Haven't you been reading? I'm from an IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL! MY RESEARCHERS ARE TOP NOTCH! Here is an infographic that will help explain some awesome facts about LIGHT!

Will you be accepting escrow?
No, since that would clearly show you guys have a reason to doubt the project. We only want forward thinkers on our amazing MIT and HARVARD research TEAM!
When will you launch?
Sometime soon, but the more donations, the faster we can get done!
Is there a limit to the amount of btc I can invest?
We were originally going to limit the initial investments to just 5 BTC each, but since we don't want to limit anybody from MAKING INSANE AMOUNTS OF CASH WITH US, we have decided that everybody CAN INVEST AS MUCH AS THEY WANT!
Is there a guarantee to profits?
We don't want to set any unrealistic expectations, but between the dynamic group of IVY LEAGUE investors and a potential TRILLION DOLLAR investor group I know from my time on the Wall Street, I'd say make your own predictions


Just send your bitcoin INVESTMENT to our investment address and join our exclusive coin network of genius!