Is anyone else concerned about the increasing ephemerality of our data?
Data archiving is a serious headache with all sorts of good money to be made in
businesses that
try to
solve it.
But they all basically just stick it on a redundant array of disks and hope for the best.
Paper Keys are an interesting idea. It just writes it all out as compressed, redundant images on paper. Paper and ink can last hundreds of years. There have been some great long running debates and the general consensus seems to be that the only sure thing is to keep translating it to some sort of text format on the latest OS/Platform/Media over and over and making sure you can still read it with the current tools each time. Otherwise it will be Virtual Machines inside Virtual Machines trying to keep old apps and file formats on life support.
Or, as the originator of another cool hack said: "Real Men don't make backups. They upload it via ftp and let the world mirror it." -- Linus Torvalds