Damn it, I have all my coinye that I mined right from the beginning in the pool..... I can only cpu mine, but I still lost something like 15k or more.... Definitely 8k (thats what I saw before I went to bed, on the night it came out)
I have been trying to access the pool all day, with no luck.
I wasn't even intending to use that pool, but it was the only one that wasn't getting ddosed. Maybe that was because, he was ddosing the other pools...
With that said, he is claiming that someone ddosed him, so he shut the pool down, and you have to pm him within 24 hours to claim your coin. Sounds REALLY fishy to me, but I have messaged him, I will report back if I ever get my coins...
Here is where he said that his pool was ddosed (and complained that people were calling him "the nicest pool owner ever" a scammer):