New miner sse2 does not work on 32bit linux systems, compilation is OK but when running minerd I get
./minerd -a qubit --benchmarkminer
ş qubit cpu-miner (v1.1a) ş
ş author: ig0tik3d ş
ş ş
Launching miner...
[2014-02-04 23:44:07] Binding thread 0 to cpu 0
[2014-02-04 23:44:07] 2 miner threads started, using 'qubit' algorithm.
[2014-02-04 23:44:07] Binding thread 1 to cpu 1
*** Error in `./minerd': free(): invalid pointer: 0xb5400550 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
please fix 32bit version