About this GiveawayWe are running a 5€ Euro giveaway. 1,000€ in total funds are available.
Post your Ripple public address. We will send 5€ Euro to each unique address, until we run out. All users are eligible,
including those who have participated in previous giveaways.
Funds will only be sent to wallets that are properly setup to receive EUR. If you are new to Ripple, jump to the
New to Ripple? section below.
Note: we are not revisiting posts of users who just submit 'reserved', and then later plan on filling in details. Setup first, then submit.Setup InformationIn order to receive Euros, you must trust Bitstamp for €5.
Click the
Advanced button, after logging in to your wallet.

Add Trust.

Grant trust to Bitstamp for €5 Euro, as shown below.
Address: rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B
After, you receive confirmation, then post your address here.
New to Ripple?You can learn about Ripple in the
Ripple Info section below.
Create a wallet at ripple.com:
https://ripple.com/client/#/register (use a strong password)
After creating a new wallet, you must receive XRP to activate.
Post your new address here.We will send 100 XRP to activate your wallet. It will be enough to allow you to establish trust, and leave you with some extra XRP. You can use it to help others get started, exchange, hold, or anything else you might like.
After getting started and receiving activation XRP, post your address again for the EUR offer.Ripple InfoHow Ripple Works (Gateways and Pathways):
http://vimeo.com/63784865Ripple Introduction for Bitcoin users:
https://ripple.com/wiki/Introduction_to_Ripple_for_BitcoinersEarn XRP:
https://www.computingforgood.org/USD RewardWe also want to recognize positive action in the Ripple community.
Link to a contribution you have made: a software project, startup, gateway, running a giveaway, or anything at all positive for the Ripple community. It may even be as basic as helping someone get started on a forum.
Note: you will need to trust Bitstamp for the amount you will receive. We plan to give out up to $25.