About Us: North American Cryptographics
The operator of BitSimple is North American Cryptographics, a FinCEN registered MSB, and a wholly owned subsidiary of Tangible Cryptography Inc. BitSimple was created as an answer to the question, "isn't it about time someone made it simple to buy and sell bitcoins?".
https://bitsimple.com/Home/ContactYou know Tangible Cryptography right? The company which has been around since 2012, never been hacked or "hacked", never lost a single satoshi of user funds, and paid back all debt on time. That company? I appreciate your cut and paste noob script but it is out of place here. As for "who" is posting right now, it is
Gerald Davis (D&T) however this account is for BitSimple support so it probably won't always be posting on it in the future. My goal in the near future is to expand hiring including dedicated customer support personnel.
I debated ignoring the post or responding and risking this turning into a rant/derail; I went with the later, I hope it wasn't bad decision. If you have any specific questions about BitSimple I would be happy to answer them. If not there should be a press release going out in the next couple days.
Every day with this. It isn't a noob script. It's a very gracious effort to help people who have shown they could use some help. Stop being offended by the notion that you are fallible. You are. Do you have another thread on these forums in which you've more adequately introduced yourself and your service? Because the correct move would be to link to that.
And no, an equally unsubstantiated blurb from the site's about page doesn't satisfy the criteria. WoT identity. Who are you, who knows you, where's your proof that you are who you say you are? You don't get to rest on what laurels Tangible Cryptography may have simply by throwing the name out there after you've tried and failed to properly introduce your service here, in the midst of taking it personally and being unable to comply with the most basic steps of bitcoin business.