Seriously, this forum needs to be upgraded.
Also, it could use a Slashdot-like auto-moderation system, so all the buzz, trolls, spam & some scammers are automatically filtered out.
It's too loud here to even discuss seriously about anything. A bunch of schoolkids, spammers, scammers & other screwed people are making this place miserable. It should be fixed long ago.
I don't know about SMF, but surely there is some plugin like that avaiable for PHPBB.
Would you filter out "some scammers", but leave others behind? Or would you just get rid of them all, especially Bruce Wagner?
1. I haven't investigated Bruce Wagner enough to have a 100% opinion, however after doing some reading i think there is at least 63% probability that he is a scammer. That is my, subjective opinion however.
2. Check out yourself how the slashdot moderation system works. It really nicely mods out any spamming/scamming practices very quickly. I think it is the best on the net.