Dimecoin is very potential at the moment. It has grown over 400% on this week and will get listed to Cryptsy very soon. You can check out Dime from this post if you'd like to know more:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=382164.0-Dimetime-That page has a tonne of negative publicity on it. If anything it's scared me away.
Here's one of the many posts to catch my eye :
8% premine is ~ 36 billion coins

Soooooo dimecoin hits the exchange @ $0.01 or even $0.0001 and we can't expect the devs to dump it like it is hot and become instant millionaires?
(probably the motivation behind the creation in the first place

Yeah this coin is 99% a scam but has a 99% chance that clueless newbs will still get involved, mining, buying, pumping, and dumping
probably a lot of the Dogecoin buyers will be interested in something like this
Unless you get your kicks out of fleecing early investors, then I'd stay clear of this one.
A 1% premine will give a coin a bad name, but 8%?

That's insane.
Doge =
Zero Premine