Hello to everyone,
I'm new mining user and I need an explanation about hashrate and mine rewards. I have 4 Sapphire 570 Nitro+ 8GB and indicatively I have a hashrate for CryptoNight algorithm of 4900 h/s, consumption of 330w and an energy cost of 0.28$. I want mining Triton (TRIT) but I have different estimate mining profits:
. On the homepage on Coincalculators the estimate mining profits (24h) is about 660 TRIT
. On the Coin page on the Coincalculators the estimate mining profits (24h) is about 357 TRIT
. On the pool homepage pool.tritonproject.org the estimate mining profits (24h) is about 280 TRIT
Why are there these differences? Surely I did not understand something...
https://thumb.ibb.co/ndiBXd/Pool.png https://thumb.ibb.co/g96byJ/Homepage.png https://thumb.ibb.co/cR6yCd/CoinPage.pngThank you
Thanks for using coincalculatos, let me clear this difference.
Triton coin use CryptoLight algorithm so in the main page when you enter CryptoNight value it will automatically calculate CryptoLight value and you will see results like 660 TRIT, but when you enter coin page you need to enter your CryptoLight algorithm hash rate so you see 357 TRIT.