This article is the logical continuation of the older Personal responsiblity and the Ponzi scam offering. Odds are you're too new to have read that back in the day. Once you're done here go there and catch up.Acts have consequences. Not some of them, not those which you wish to have consequences, not even those which you accept or aquiesce may have consequences. All of them. Each and every last one of them.
Those consequences aren't limited to what you find acceptable, at the time you act or at any later time. Those consequences aren't limited to what you find conceivable, with your dimwitted thinker, nor to what you find "should have been conceivable" in retrospect. The entire array of consequences is available at all times upon all your actions and inactions. With or without your agreement, approval or intent.
So, when you promote some random 24 yo schmuck as if he has something to say about Bitcoin, you are opening yourself to one day reading in the newspaper that
Put this arrest right above Dogecoin and Coinye West on the list of reasons why Bitcoin is the Jonah Hill in The Wolf of Wall Street of currency: no matter how much they strive to be taken seriously, the Bitcoin community remains a punch line.
As if Bitcoin strives to be taken seriously by the general fuckwittery. As if that's what we're all about, renting a coupla rustbuckets to put vanity plates on them. As if this shit is has anything to do with Bitcoin
at all. As if anyone cares.
When you promote some random scam with foundational delusions as in any way relevant, when you interact with it as anything other than a laughingstock, what you get is what anyone with two brains'd expect. You get to read bullshit like
As merchants embrace Bitcoin, digital currency still struggles for regulatory approval worldwide
As if we give a kernel of a shit, joint or several, whether self-proclaimed "regulators" approve or don't approve. The issue is whether Bitcoin will approve any regulator and which exactly, not whether some obscure bureaucrat somewhere thinks it proper for the Sun to come out tomorrow.
So then: time to rethink your defective mental processes. Stop promoting things on the grounds that they seem, superficially, "right". Some kid having a nice smile, which Shrem does have, is no fucking basis to pretend like he may be publicly associated with Bitcoin. The basis would be someone who can actually fight back when the going gets tough, that's who you want to look up to. The basis would be someone who actually has the foresight to
avoid ridiculous tarpits a la "hi guise, I r order fake passports to my home address because totally people send you fake passports
with your motherfucking face on them as a prank all the time".
So far you're batting 0-9 or some shit. You thought Dread Pirate Roberts was Mr. Bitcoin, turns out he was a schmucky 20something with
shocking mental disability. Shocking mental disability that nevertheless somehow passed unnoticed by you. Why is that? You thought Roger Ver was Mr. Bitcoin, turns out he's some guy with a serious problem over fifty missing dollars. You thought Charlie Shrem was Mr. Bitcoin, turns out he's a clueless kid made of
papier mache. They don't even need to be trying too hard. Karpeles signed paperwork that's actually false and enough to get him indicted, Vessenes is in so deep with all the piles upon piles of fraud in his venture he's not even worth going after (yet). You still think Michael Asshole Hearn is somehow relevant for Bitcoin, notwithstanding he's yet to do a single thing that wouldn't be exactly вpeдитeльcтвo. What, he accidentally fucked up the code by implementing massive changes without reading, is it? Nearly crushed Bitcoin last year, and in the process provided "accidentally", of course, invaluable stress testing data to all enemies?
Not one single pick you've made was correct. It's not even that you're picking anyone that's in the race, you're roughly in the position of someone whose picks for the NFL season aren't even playing in the NFL, aren't even athletes, aren't even citizens, aren't even human and aren't even all animate. A kitchen sink, a wet noodle, some nesting birds, a dead tapeworm, that's your NFL picks.
You're George, dear Bitcoin community, of
It became very clear to me sitting out there today, that every decision I've ever made, in my entire life, has been wrong. My life is the complete opposite of everything I want it to be. Every instinct I have, in every of aspect of life, be it something to wear, something to eat ... It's all been wrong. (chuckles) Everywhere.
That's you. You're George. Bear that in mind.