Past history
The Protoshares / Invictus people are involved with this.
Charles Hoskinson is no longer a part of BitShares.
Bitcoin is popular because it's a simple, straightforward, trust free system. You don't have little leprechauns behind the scenes randomly assigning values based on whatever they feel like that day.
Ethereum is also trustless, and there are no leprechauns, only people with the freedom to build whatever they want, and have it function however they want it it function.
This is nothing but a rebranding of Protoshares, an already failed concept.
Protoshares is a system for attaching assets to blockchains. Ethereum is a blockchain-based computer network and a scripting language. There are similarities, but the concepts are distinct.
- They are asking an insane 30k BTC
No. They're considering imposing a 30k BTC CAP.
- 50% pre mined
No. I think it's something like 15%, although they haven't decided, and they are openly discussing with the community what the best numbers are prior to implementing them into the protocol.
- They are setting a price out of nothing for 1 eth, while it's not even out yet
No. The market will set the price of ether.
They do have ex Goldman Sachs members on their team.
If you were designing financial technology, wouldn't you want financial professionals on your team?
My personal opinion: Do you really think a all-in-one package coin will be a revolution? Bitcoin is a success because its simple, made from scratch, for people to transact on their own terms, and thats it.
Simplicity is precisely what Ethereum aims to achieve. It's about maximizing the simplicity of a system with robust functionality. Ethereum never would've been possible to implement until Bitcoin proved the world is capable of making good use of an advanced cryptocurrency solution. Cryptocurrency 2.0 protocols are about challenging the technological limits of global society.