January 21, 2012, 11:07:24 AM |
Hmm... I can't seem to upgrade or initialize my virtual 'rig'. Nothing happens after I click on the chain to mine and the upgrade options (500 extra vH). Plus, I've refreshed it several times to only have it stay offline and un-upgraded.
Nachtwind (OP)
January 21, 2012, 12:24:25 PM |
Cant reproduce your problem, upgrading and changing chains works fine.
What browser do you use? CHecked that you have JavaScript activated?
January 21, 2012, 12:29:48 PM |
Ahh... nevermind. Fixed the problem by disabling both my pop-up blocker and adblocker.
Nachtwind (OP)
January 21, 2012, 12:40:49 PM |
Ad-blocker and popup blocker.. that is interestering. THAT was so far never a problem.. mind to tell me what softwares you used? It's another FAQ item ,0)
January 21, 2012, 02:50:40 PM |
Sure thing: Browser: Google Chrome 16.0.912.75 on 64-bit Xubuntu Ad-blocker: AdBlock+ Element Hiding Helper with Easylist Pop-up Blocker: Better Pop Up Blocker2.1.6 Pop-up Blocker Settings: Blocked: Javascript window pop ups (?) Prompt & alert boxes Text selection intercept Javascript context menu, cut/copy/paste, & click intercept Automatically moving & resizing windows Print dialogues opened by javascript Fire events on unload (Leaving a web page) Window targets (Checking this forces pages to load in the same tab) Unescape & eval (Used to obfuscate code)
Other: Reload matching tabs when toggling extension browser button Strip javascript from link locations to make them like regular links to help make them work when they can't open pop ups Blink the extension icon when a pop up window is blocked Show action button in URL bar for Better Pop Up Blocker (Will take effect on new page loads)
EDIT: I could buy a rig (and I did with the two on), but I was unable to turn the rig (on) to a chain. Plus, there was no confirmation (pop-up) box telling me to confirm my rig upgrade. Basically, none of the options worked. Plus, the ('loading php file' and 'you're not supposed to see this') notification was there in the chat box (with no ability to chat). Hope that's clear enough >.<
January 21, 2012, 04:04:48 PM |
Pending just means that the game has received your coin - yet the transaction wasnt confirmed 4 times.
Okay, thanks for clarification.
January 22, 2012, 02:59:39 PM |
Hmm... site's offline. Anything wrong? Or are you just updating?
January 22, 2012, 04:20:21 PM |
Yeah, the site is down for me as well. Perhaps you should close the game down, and revert to beta, no pun intended! I just think with all the problems, we can't really "play" so it's not really "running".
Giving away your BTC's? Send 'em here: 1F7XgercyaXeDHiuq31YzrVK5YAhbDkJhf
January 22, 2012, 05:53:23 PM |
Down for me too.
Nachtwind (OP)
January 22, 2012, 08:11:59 PM |
Well.. Unforseen things are a bitch. I am not at home or near any computer and my vps provider did "something" x-ISP seems to be as down as my vps.... About reverting to beta: thats what i will do once and if the ISP turns up again..
Nachtwind (OP)
January 23, 2012, 05:07:34 PM |
Sort of news.. So as i came back home an hour ago i started looking up whats happening. Seems is down, thats the address of my provider.. same with which is the site where i can control the my domains and IPs. The VPS is UP.. i can connect to it by entering the ip directly BUT i cannot give you an a.b.c.d/virtualminer since its not configured that way. Therefore i have to declare the game as "temporarily down" since noone can enter... Currently i look for a new VPS provider since its not only virtualminer that is affected but also a more important project i host there - as well as the page for Tenebrix that i host for Lolcust.. Once the server is back up or rather reachable again i will revert the game to beta till the stupid exchange is fixed...
January 24, 2012, 03:40:30 AM |
Thanks for the update, sorry to hear about the trouble. Hopefully you will be able to get it all resolved shortly. When it comes to the game, no worries there either from my part, better to roll back and fix stuff and be open about it.
Giving away your BTC's? Send 'em here: 1F7XgercyaXeDHiuq31YzrVK5YAhbDkJhf
Nachtwind (OP)
January 24, 2012, 11:45:57 AM |
Talked to the ICANN registrar for one of my domains and got told that the owner of that company that hosted my vps "is gone" and "most likely not to return". So far i could create authcodes for one of my domains, one domain is already and transit and another one is about to be transfered to me. Once i have these codes i gonna register with a new VPS provider. A paypal case against is filed to refund me my 4 months of payment that i did in advance, chances are low to get those funds back though.
So things are.. running
Nachtwind (OP)
January 25, 2012, 11:37:44 PM |
Ok.. and another update.. i got the game's wallet back as well as the domain.. I will try to get the game back online by Saturday.. cant promise though...
January 26, 2012, 05:11:38 AM |
Thank you for battling through all this stupidity, you should be successful with PayPal, they have a very long arm when it comes to getting their money back, and they will freeze everything for the provider when complaints get filed. I hope you are lucky, and I will be delighted when the game gets back, but do not worry about it.
Nachtwind (OP)
January 27, 2012, 09:04:06 AM |
Alright... saturday is not gonna happen. I got an E-mail telling me that the transfer will be postponed till 1/31st due to the nature of all that happened.. seems like my old host still has a firm grip on his registered domains so they have to wait if he rejects my authorisation for the transfer.. fair enough if it things werent that fucked up ><
Currently i am redoin some stuff locally.. i gonna strip the exchange from the game and put them into the newly created website - first off all the possible ui for the exchange looks better and its easier to maintain multiple modules than one largish one.. stay tuned for some more changes... lets see whn you all will be able to see them though ><
Nachtwind (OP)
January 29, 2012, 08:03:33 PM |
Domain is back up, got my refunds from paypal.. now back to finishing up some things and then one big step into BETA again...
January 29, 2012, 09:32:53 PM |
Domain is back up, got my refunds from paypal.. now back to finishing up some things and then one big step into BETA again...
Good news
Giving away your BTC's? Send 'em here: 1F7XgercyaXeDHiuq31YzrVK5YAhbDkJhf
Nachtwind (OP)
February 04, 2012, 12:00:40 PM |
Hey guys.. sorry to let you wait for so long but i got a crapload of stuff to do that is currently way more important than virtualminer. I think i can find enough time to finish the needed changes on monday so i can reopen it monday evening or tuesday (CET)
February 04, 2012, 05:33:37 PM |
Thanks for the update.
Giving away your BTC's? Send 'em here: 1F7XgercyaXeDHiuq31YzrVK5YAhbDkJhf