January 29, 2014, 12:34:59 AM Last edit: August 19, 2014, 06:15:32 AM by EBT |
Latest Entropybit Wallet Version : Updates- Critical update: please update to version 4.1.1!
- What remained of the premine (213137.804 EBT) has been burned (txid ebc427cbac991d9f43d9de89708217538dda26bc3360095febe3bd8a0e11ea42)!
- EBT is now the payout coin for the gagapool.pw multipool!!!
- EBT is now Entroypbit Cryptocurrency operating under a DAC model. The max PoS APR is now 100%!
- EBT is now pure Proof of Stake!!
- Pure PoS started at block 310,000!!
- Coin control!!
VotingMintpal : https://www.mintpal.com/votingComkort : https://comkort.com/voteSwissCEX : https://swisscex.uservoice.com/forums/238010-generalWelcome to the FUTURE of Electronic Payments! Coin Information- Scrypt
- Proof of Work coins limited to 156.2 million
- 30 second block time
- PoW Reward: 1,000 halving every 100k blocks - final subsidy of 0 coin after block 310,000
- PoS Reward Before June 30 2014: Begins on day 30, mature at day 90
- PoS APR Before June 30 2014: 5% Flat
- PoS Reward Beginning June 30 2014: Begins after 24 hours, Fully mature at 72 hours, Aging stops at 4.5 days
- PoS APR Beginning June 30 2014: 100% Max / 100% Min gradually changing over 2 years to 100% Max / 1% Min with the APR varying by difficulty
- rpc Port: 3136
- p2p Port: 3133
- 1% (2.5m) pre-mine for giveaways/bounties (see below)
Proof of Stake explained:- 100.00 EBT mature over a 90-day period.
- From Day 1 through Day 30, there is no change, but the coins "age" in the background.
- On Day 30, Your coins become eligible for PoS minting at 5% APR (or 1.25% per 90 days).
- From Day 31 through Day 90, Your chances of hitting a PoS block increase. After day 90 your chances dont get any better.
- When a Stake block is hit the input that was used gets locked for 25 blocks as the POS block matures. It is moved to the stake column and a transaction will appear in your wallet for 1.25 EBT (assuming the 90 day full weight).
- After 25 blocks your 100 EBT is returned and your 1.25 EBT is confirmed leaving you with 101.25 EBT.
Source: https://github.com/CoinWhisperer/EBT Windows Binaries: Auto Install: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8rWObF4xz1YaU5jM3hOT2o2WDA/edit?usp=sharingVirus Total (N/A)Manual Install: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8rWObF4xz1YWW1MMkdhYVJGOVU/edit?usp=sharingVirus Total (N/A)OSX Wallet:Disk Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8rWObF4xz1YVnFQUFgxdzlfZW8/edit?usp=sharingVirus Total (N/A)Block Chain DataWin/Linux Data: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8rWObF4xz1YbnpuLWtmc0pMaFU/edit?usp=sharingMac Data: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8rWObF4xz1YQVZhYnVoeXg5U28/edit?usp=sharingWindows Installation NotesA small minority of Windows users may experience an error when attempting to install certain software because of a corrupted system registry. These users will see an "The Extended Attributes are Inconsistent". There are two ways to deal with this error. The first is to fix the error: The second is to manually install the EBT Qt 4 software by downloading the zip file, uncompressing it, and running the ebt-qt.exe program. Example EBT.conf:rpcuser=username rpcpassword=password rpcallowip=192.168.*.* rpcport=3136 daemon=1 server=1 addnode= addnode= Faucet:http://www.multifaucet.tk/index.php?faucet=EBT Block Explorers:http://www.multifaucet.tk/index.php?blockexplorer=EBThttp://www.argakiig.us/blockchain/ebt/ Exchanges: Added to Poloniex!!! https://poloniex.com/exchange/btc_ebtAdded to Xnigma!! https://xnigma.com/markets/view/61Added to Europex!!! https://www.europex.eu/#coin/btc/ebtAdded to Cryptotc!! (Link blocked on bitcointalk) Added to Pmtocoins!! https://pmtocoins.com/index.php?page=trade&market=15Coming soon to LazyCoins!! Social Media:Official Web Page: http://ebt-coin.com/Twitter: @EBTcoin | www.twitter.com/EBTcoinFacebook: Coming soon! Cryptonerd Article: http://majesti.co/cryptonerd/ebtcoin-ebt-the-benefit-transference-digital-program/CryptoNerd Writeup! http://cryptonerd.co/swipe-yo-ebt-its-free/ 1% Pre-Mine:What remained of the premine (213137.804 EBT) was burned on 6/18/2014 (txid ebc427cbac991d9f43d9de89708217538dda26bc3360095febe3bd8a0e11ea42). Nothing new here...2.5m coins were pre-mined to get the EBT Coin economy moving! This is absolutely NOT one of your mass made coins; time and effort by over a dozen community members was put into this coin! 80% of the pre-mine (2m of 2.5m coins) will be distributed in various giveaways (link above) and bounties to members of the community with the rest going to support development (500k). Premine addresses: 5mNkvK7284HREVfXdXCHJsi5waaH2Tcr1S 5nuM8xKKNik6sQhZ1ctXvhsa8kfcYTicNc
Pre-Mine Allocation (updated 5/6): - Development/Project Manager - 500k EBT
- Images - 75k EBT
- Giveaway thread manager - 20k EBT
- Publicity/Writers - 100k EBT
- Website - 150k EBT
- Pools - 100k EBT
- Poker Site - 50k EBT
- Mac Wallet - 20k EBT
- 3 Videos - 250k EBT
- Image Contest - 80k EBT
- Giveaways - 600k+ EBT
- Chinese Translation - 25k EBT (xiaocong)
- Promotions/Marketing - Coming Soon (qiwoman)
- Poloniex Giveaway - 25k EBT
- Poloniex Trollbox Giveaways - 20k EBT
- Charity Giveaway - 250k EBT
Some bounties for devs were also paid in btc totaling .19btc.  Past Updates:New mining pool!! http://ebt.poollersunited.com/NEW, AWESOME video!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVKHC1rxZJsUpdated OSX wallet!! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8rWObF4xz1Yb1MtX1lSOFVnSVE/edit?usp=sharingEBT has been added to Xnigma exchange!! https://xnigma.com/markets/view/61EBT Bombsweeper game has been added!! http://bombsweeper.com/?coin=EBTFollow the bitcoop! 10k EBT Giveaway! http://altcoingiveaways.com/index.php/topic,1011.0.htmlEBT has now been added to Pmtocoins!!! Happy trading!!! https://pmtocoins.com/index.php?page=trade&market=15Check out the faucet at MultiFaucet.tk! http://www.multifaucet.tk/index.php?faucet=EBT

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
January 29, 2014, 12:41:58 AM |
Fair enough. How often does the difficulty retarget?
Sr. Member
Activity: 658
Merit: 257
★Bitvest.io★ Play Plinko or Invest!
January 29, 2014, 12:45:22 AM |
IIRC every Block
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
January 29, 2014, 01:26:50 AM |
Much foodies! Wow.
January 29, 2014, 01:49:20 AM |
Difficulty is rising!
Current Difficulty 0.58891455
Get in while you can.

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
January 29, 2014, 01:51:53 AM |
Doesn't seem like a lot of people are jumping in... We'll see whether this takes off.
January 29, 2014, 02:15:07 AM |
Doesn't seem like a lot of people are jumping in... We'll see whether this takes off.
Well, our previous thread got closed... We'll have a faucet up soon for everyone!
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
January 29, 2014, 02:28:43 AM |
Pools are working well, no instamine on launch, small premine. I think I'll be keeping my eye on this coin 

Activity: 72
Merit: 10
January 29, 2014, 04:25:26 AM |
I hear the network hashrate just hit 87mhs. 
Activity: 1672
Merit: 1014
January 29, 2014, 06:23:01 AM |
what crypto-economy is complete without crypto-welfare
January 29, 2014, 06:37:50 AM |
what crypto-economy is complete without crypto-welfare
Posted in the now closed thread... 
January 29, 2014, 07:29:36 AM |
Looks like the coin is starting to pick up steam!
January 29, 2014, 07:55:55 AM |
wel like to see theres a new coin into the market, EBT : 5mhx33jmjEe2uDkgqjrVG9NQAeASXAL28Y this is not mine adres but for my project at : http://savegreyhound.hol.es/*** Your support is highly appreciated *** ps look at our sponsor page !
January 29, 2014, 08:23:23 AM |
LOL !!! the first time in my life i found a block with my 23khash/s cpu miner !! Blocks found by own Workers Rank Worker Blocks Coins Generated 1 XXXXXXXX.XXXXX 1 1,000 that must be rewarded right ? !!! EBT : 5mhx33jmjEe2uDkgqjrVG9NQAeASXAL28Y / Galgo Support 
January 29, 2014, 08:59:36 AM Last edit: January 29, 2014, 09:16:39 AM by paulus51 |
guys i dont get this :  explane please wy i have more credit then i get ? the bad thing is this PPLNS Stats / prop stats would be must better and 1,5 % pool fee is alot [ oke i found a block woopy generated 1,000 coins right but i get just ? what ? how many ? none ? ]

Activity: 238
Merit: 10
January 29, 2014, 03:28:28 PM |
WTS 2000 EBT PM 
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 29, 2014, 05:46:24 PM |
I think this coin needs more attention. It had a fair launch yesterday with working pools coming quickly etc. And difficulty is still very low (1.0). I feel like the title is a little misleading. Maybe it should include something else to clarify that this is a coin too. ps. 5URaB27dZ8ioCA16SNsvFceM5VtsXZAu3Z 
January 29, 2014, 06:10:34 PM |
I think this coin needs more attention. It had a fair launch yesterday with working pools coming quickly etc. And difficulty is still very low (1.0). I feel like the title is a little misleading. Maybe it should include something else to clarify that this is a coin too. ps. 5URaB27dZ8ioCA16SNsvFceM5VtsXZAu3Z  Thank you for the suggestion, I've updated the subject and sent you a reward!
January 29, 2014, 06:50:21 PM |
Great! I got my first ever Solo-Mined (500kH GPU) found block! Now I love this coin!  But the luck is already over...back to pool mineing. :/ It had a fair launch yesterday What you mean with YESTERDAY !? ..wait am I already late again? Where did it start yesterday?