WEBwallet not work. What a fk?
Webwallet is under maintenance.
Dev team work to bring it back.
Support at:
https://discord.gg/s9BQpJT and Telegram at:
The ArQmA Network status update for the month of June 12, 2018 to July 11th.
There has been less development activity on some coins in six months, compared that to what has been done in less than a month here.
Just keeping it real and accurate. You might not get as much accountability and honesty in other coins/icos/projects.
In less than a month the following things were accomplished:
Launch of the blockchain network with DDOS resiliency at the core of the network.
Cloudflare was turned on for the main website, miner pool of Arqma Main, and several nodes. This mostly mitigates DDOS attacks and the servers are distributed across the planet.
Several hacker attempts thwarted with firewalls and active patrolling.
The mining never stopped. The block number is now appoximately 9800, cruising towards 10,000.
The discord server was created by ArQmA-King, and a pool operations channel to deal with configuration, error mitigation, and coordination to changes when the need arises.
Pools were paid coin and helped payouts process through the changes in the wallet CLI and daemon/pool code. Nobody lost out.
The block explorer page was updated, and a mining calculator was added also.
Jason (@jaegerman42) joined the developer team and helped with code, deployment, and help resolve the #3985 defect issues.
The network daemon was updated three times including DNS SEC, and a bug patch of the #3985 which affected exchanges.
That defect, #3985, was sitting there for 25+ days that was unverfied. It affected most of the cryptonote based coins going to certain exchanges depending on which Monero code base they were on.
No coins were lost. The perpetrators of the attack on the exchange were banished from altex.exchange.
Code that runs is easy, good code that works and has no bugs and securitry defects is hard. The developers caught a nasty one and dealth with it.
It delayed the progress of the development of the GUI and web wallet as a priority one bug affecting the security of the coins on the exchange.
The web wallet worked, but has some back end error messages that illustrate the glitchines of code that either needs and overhaul or deploy something else.
So a better web wallet portal is under work. We appreciate your patience. It's going to be secure and doesn't hold or leak out any information for any transaction as usual.
The cost of transactions were lowered again with the release of 1.2.5 The Devil's Touch code, daemon, and CLI wallet.
Progress on the GUI wallet was slowed due to numerous things needed to be worked on at the same time.
GUI wallet Alpha first run testing was cycled four times by Argonator at each step of the CLI/daemon to make sure it wasn't buggy.
It's in beta to be relased soon. It has similar features to Monero's GUI wallet. Sample screenshots are available on the Telegram channel.
Other exchanges have been applied for, paid for, an are in process, ArQmA is waiting on them. Yes, that is plural, 2 now.
Part of the agreement with the exchanges is that we cannot announce the names of them. Sorry, it's their deal.
We appreciate your faith in mining, good mining without hacks, asics, no nethash raids, and what you mine is yours.
The ArQmA Team.