Trader and drops of water
When you really enter the crypto market, you can not avoid the trade crypto. So you also need the skills of a trader whether you are a holder or not.
Make profits like drops of water:
- Patience: This is the virtue of a good trader. You must looking for reasons not to enter orders instead of always wanting to make a profit.
- Earn 1-2% profit per transaction. why not? Always set a goal of just a few percent. It's like water droplets, let's imagine the droplets flowing, it will be full.
- You do not have to enter orders every day, every hour. Find the best entry point when all the signals you have overlap. Always avoid to lose before you earn profits.
This is not exactly advice, just the experience I experienced. Thanks for reading
I like the idea of not to trade everyday or every hour, find the best timing as you can so will be able to research better, the process of trading is to know your limitations and how will you find your edge, getting 1-2% is also not an easy way there's some instance that dumped will go deeper and your position will take some time before it will bounce back, so good thing that you also mentioned to have patients since that's the key to win over your emotions.