This is the second announcement of Cura Project which is a SERVICE-BASED cryptocurrency to promote de-centralized medicine practice. I figured it would be appropriate since there were major changes to CuraCoin. If you have some time to read, please check out my proposal at for further understanding of the project.
A few updates: I have converted CuraCoin to N-adaptive factor algo with block difficulty re-targeting along with implementing my own random blocks reward for better ASIC resistant and a better rewarding experience.
It should be ready in two weeks and will be fair launching. Some people suggested the idea of IPO but I do not think it is a good route, although I definitely want to set up a foundation/funding for researching. I can't foresee setting up a good funding for groups in the future since people have been clamoring for fair launch, yet I am not a miner. It is up to the crowd-mining to donate the fund in the future. If you guys have better suggestion, please do.
In the meantime I am doing some graphics, code changes (different memory scaling) in free time.
Also, I suggested NAMING mining pools to insurance pools (no specific name though due to potential legal issues) and illness , e.g.
There will be rewards for setting up pools (only if you name them after illness or insurance), nodes, faucets, tipbot, Android wallet, lightweight client, etc. I also would like to bring forth QR scanner that I wrote a few months back into Cura Project sometimes after the launching.
I am active on #curaCoin on freenode chat, so feel free to check it out and ask question, or if you want to contribute to the team. If you have question regarding the Cura Project or ideas to contribute, please post here. I will keep this thread update with changes.
Edit: The release page on bitcointalk will be short and to-the-point. I do not like lengthy release page. To get involved in the community, please visit ,, and twitter thread:
/r/medicine Pre-ANN previous PRE-ANN scan for Windows Wallet QT version: