I want to do another big blog feature on FCKBANKS so if anyone can kinda give me a synopsis of key posts to add please post here and I will grab it later. I want to do the post before the block halving etc. It will make a nice follow up post to the original FCKBANKS blog post.
My btc got hacked night before last lost 0.29 btc in my blockchain. I am relieved at least I held onto my fcks and not sold any.
how did you lose btc specifically?
I found out it is two hackers..One form Indonesia hacked my blockchain then a day later a Thai peep hacked me in Poloniex. Looks like my Asian friends love me lol. Funny and I am married to an Asian. I am busy all day trying to do security on my comp etc. I now tried to get into freenode to chat with you guys and all I get is this now:
I can't get into IRC. I hope to do another FCKBANKS POST on my blog tonight if I can catch up with it all.
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