It doesn't matter what you agree for the price, if you buy it through the website it's whole different BTC you're going to pay.
It's a long story dealing with the fact my bank doesn't really do wire transfers. It's a Capital One 360 account that use to be an ING account. ING back in the day had AWESOME savings APR!!! I'm talking like 20% compounded interest. No joke!
Anyway I got off subject.
This is from the email convo we had earlier today.
"Yeah thats fine. Im going to see if i can ship it to the US
tomorrow and have it held by a local broker. It would mean once we
receive payment you could probably get them next day.
I'll get back to you.
I confirm price agreed at .847 BTC"
Besides nothing has been paid yet. So if I was an ass and
BTC starts heading back to $1000 plus again. There's always a chance that I could pull out of the deal. I'm not going to do that. That would be such an a-hole move!
He also knows that I'm putting this on the forum. I'm doing it because it helps to kinda protect me and him somewhat. He has an online shop that he has going and having a good rep and history of happy buyers especially on this forum is golden. The same could kinda be said about me. I may not have a shop but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be buying more stuff from here and I can foresee myself selling here too.
People don't want to buy or sell to someone who has screwed someone over and having everything out in the open creates a transparency of the history of the purchase.